Fifth International Conference on Computer Vision
                          20 - 23 June 1995
                Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                          REGISTRATION FORM






Electronic Mail Address______________________________________________________

Conference Registration:        Member          NonMember               Student
Early Fee if paid before May 15 $365            $455                    $200
Fee if paid after May 15        $440            $550                    $250
Workshop Registration
Context Based Vision            $80

Physics-Based Modeling in Computer Vision
Early Fee if paid before May 15 $100            $125                    $60
Fee if Paid after May 15        $125            $155                    $80

Representations of Visual Scenes
Early Fee if paid before May 15 $80             $100                    $40
Fee if Paid after May 15        $100            $125                    $70

Visual Information Management           No Fee

Shape and Patttern Matching in Computational Biology    
Early Fee if Paid before May 15 $30             $40                     $20
Fee if Paid after May 15        $50             $65                     $25

Event Tickets (For students and/or accompanying guests only)
_______Banquet Ticket(s)     $45 per person (included in member and nonmember fe

TOTAL ENCLOSED: $__________________________

PAYMENT METHOD:          Check/Money Order made payable to MIT is enclosed.
                                 Credit Card     Mastercard or     Visa (Please 
check correct card).

AccountNumber_______________________________Expiration Date_______________

Signature  (Required for credit card transactions).
Please return completed form and payment to:   MIT Conference Services Office, R
oom 7-111, Cambridge, MA  02139  USA

The Registration Fee for the Conference is $365 for members and $455
for non-members if paid before May 15, and $440 for members and $550
for non-members if paid after that date or on-site.  The student rates
are $200/early and $250/late; the student fee does not include the
banquet at the New England Aquarium.  Persons registering at the
student rate should send a photocopy of his/her current student
identification with the registration form and payment; an
identification will also be required upon arrival.  The member and
non-member fees includes admission to all conference sessions,
materials, refreshments during each day, the Welcoming Reception on
Tuesday evening, and the Banquet on Wednesday evening at the New
England Aquarium.   

To register for the Conference, please complete and return the
enclosed form with payment to the MIT Conference Services Office, Room
7-111, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.  The fee may be paid by check or money
order made payable in US currency to the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology or via credit card with the appropriate information
provided.  Persons paying via Mastercard or VISA may do so via fax at
617-253-7002.  Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt.
Details regarding on-site registration and transportation directions
will be included with the registration confirmation. 

Cancellations received in writing prior to 15 May will be entitled to
a refund less a $40 processing fee; no refunds will be granted after
that date.  Substitutions may be made until the start of the