% File:     icip.sty             (LaTeX Document style option "icip")
% Adapted from the style file of Stephen Martucci (ICASSP'93).
% Usage:    \documentstyle[...,icip,...]{article}
% Purpose:
% Style file for ICIP.
% Features:
%    - correct page size (175mm x 226mm)
%    - twocolumn format
%    - boldfaced, numbered, and centered section headings
%    - use \title{xxx} for title, will be typeset all uppercase
%    - use \name{xxx} for author name(s) only, will be typeset in italics
%      - optional: use \thanks{xxx} within \name, asterisk is suppressed
%    - use \address{xxx} for address of authors
%    - note: no need for \author nor \date
%    - use \authors{author1}{address1}{author2}{address2} if two authors
%         with two separate addresses
%         with two separate addresses
%    - optional: use \ninept to typeset text in 9 pt; default is 10pt.
% Example of use for one or more authors at a common address:
%                 \documentstyle[icip]{article}
%                 \title{Title of the paper}
%                 \name{Iyle B. Student and Yew R. Professor
%                       \thanks{This work was supported by...}}
%                 \address{Common address, department\\
%                          City, etc\\
%                          optional e-mail address}
%                 \begin{document}
%  OPTIONAL -->   \ninept            <-- OPTIONAL, for nine pt only
%                 \maketitle
%                 \begin{abstract}
%                 This is the abstract for my paper.
%                 \end{abstract}
%                         .
%                 Insert text of paper
%                         .
%    - use \title for title, will be typeset all uppercase
%    - use \name for author name(s) only, will be typeset in italics
%        - optional: use \thanks within \name, asterisk is suppressed
%    -  use \address for address of authors
%    - note: no need for \author nor \date
%    - optional: use \ninept to typeset text in 9 pt; default is 10pt.
% Warning: subsections and lower levels are centered rather than left
%           justified.
% Example of use:
%                 \documentstyle[icip]{article}
%                 \title{Title of the paper}
%                 \name{Iyle B. Student and Yew R. Professor
%                       \thanks{This work was supported by...}}
%                  \address{fill in your address: department\\
%                       City, etc\\
%                       optional e-mail address}
%                 \begin{document}
%  OPTIONAL --   \ninept            <-- OPTIONAL, for nine pt only
%                 \maketitle
%                 \begin{abstract}
%                 This is the abstract for my paper.
%                 \end{abstract}
%                         .
%                   Insert text of paper
%                         .
%                Add references at the end (section called ``References''
%               automatically created).  Format example:
%               \begin{thebibliography}{99}
%               \bibitem{chmc84} E.\ Charniak and D.\ McDermott, 
%               {\it Introduction to Artificial Intelligence,} 
%                Addison-Wesley, 1984, pp.~306-309.  
%                         .
%                         .
%                 include references in order of appearance in text
%                         .
%                \end{thebibliography} 
%                         .
%                 \end{document}
% Example of use for two authors at two distinct addresses
%                 \documentstyle[icip]{article}
%                 \title{Title of the paper}
%                 \twoauthors{John Doe
%                       \thanks{This work was supported by...}}
%                            {Doe's address, department\\
%                             City, etc\\
%                             optional e-mail address}
%                            {Judy Smith}
%                            {Smith's address, department\\
%                             City, etc\\
%                             optional e-mail address}
%                 \begin{document}
%                 \maketitle
%                 \begin{abstract}
%                 This is the abstract for my paper.
%                 \end{abstract}
%                         .
%                         .
%                 \end{document}
% Author:  Stephen Martucci  -- smartucci@sarnoff.com
% Date:    1 June 1994
% Modified and Supplemented by Joydeep Ghosh, June '94.

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 to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
 \else \newpage
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\begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@name \\ \@address 
 \end{tabular}\par} \end{center}
 \vskip 1.5em} 

\def\name#1{\gdef\@name{{\em #1}\\}}

        {\em #1} \\ \\
   \end{tabular}\hskip 1in\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}
        {\em #3} \\ \\

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{\bf ABSTRACT\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}} 

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