ICSC '95 - Third International Computer Science Conference:
     Image Analysis Applications and Computer Graphics
      Nikko Hotel, HONG KONG, 11-13 December, 1995

Organised and Sponsored by the IEEE Hong Kong Section, Computer Chapter.

In cooperation with IEEE Computer Society,
International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR),


Title: Document Image Analysis Techniques: An Overview

Prof. Rangachar Kasturi, Professor of computer science and engineering,
Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.

Objectives: This course will enable the participant to:

1.   learn the basic principles of document image analysis methods for
optical character and graphics recognition
2.   become familiar with the capabilities and limitations of automatic
document image processing techniques
3.   understand the relationships among various system components to
facilitate systematic evaluation of document image analysis systems
4.   know the state-of-the-art in vectorizers for converting
engineering drawings and maps.

Contents:  Document image analysis systems automatically extract
formation from scanned images of paper-based documents.  Such systems
recognize characters, symbols, and lines, establish spatial and
semantic relationships, and determine the overall structure.  Their
output facilitates efficient storage, retrieval, and editing of the
documents' contents.  The general procedure and sequence of methods
used in document image analysis are: data captured preprocessing,
segmentation and layout analysis, feature extraction and matching, text
and graphics recognition and interpretation.  An overview of each of
these topics will be presented in this course.  Applications of the
techniques discussed include automatic processing of business letters
and forms, conversion of engineering drawings and maps, input technical
manuals and journals for creating digital libraries, automatic handling
of mail pieces, and recognition of musical notes, shorthand scripts,
etc.  However, specific commercial systems will not be discussed.

Intended Audience: Anyone who must deal with large volumes of
paper-based documents and their conversion into computer readable form
for efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation.  The course would
help both computer engineers who design document analysis systems and
managers who specify and evaluate such systems.  Some familiarity with
basic principles of digital image processing is helpful.

About the Instructor:

Rangachar Kasturi is a professor of computer science and engineering at
the Pennsylvania State University.  He received his Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering from Texas Tech University in 1982.  Dr. Kasturi
has directed many  research projects in the document image analysis
area.  He is a coauthor of the text, Machine Vision, McGraw-Hill, 1995,
and co-editor of the books, Document Image Analysis, Computer Vision:
Principles and Applications, and Image Analysis Applications.  He is
the editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence.

Text:  L. O'Gorman and R. Kasturi, Document Image Analysis Techniques,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994 (included in the tutorial fee)

Duration:  Half day.

Venue: Hotel Nikko
Date:  Wednesday 13 December 1995
Time:  1:30pm - 5:00pm

Fee:  HK$800 for member* ; HK$900 for others;
      The text book is included

* Membership list: IEEE, ACM, IAPR, HKIE, HKCS, HKSMIC.


Mail to:        Joseph Ng, ICSC'95 Registration,
                Computing Studies Department, Hong Kong Baptist University,
                224, Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
                Phone: (+852) 2339-7864, Fax: (+852) 2339-7892
                E-mail: icsc95@comp.hkbu.edu.hk

Name: _____________________________________________________________
                (Surname)                           (First Name)

Affiliation: ______________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________ Fax: ____________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________

Membership and No: ________________________________________________

*List of Membership: IEEE, ACM, IAPR, HKIE, HKCS, HKSMIC.

Payment Table for Tutorial:

Category                        Quantity        Fee             Amount

NOTE: To save on postage, receipts will be given out at the conference.
Payment can be made by money order, or bank draft. Please make  money
orders payable, in Hong Kong currency, to ICSC'95.