IEEE Computer Society PAMI Technical Committee Meeting 

                   Sunday, November 19, 8 p.m. 

[ This should be a very brief, primarily informational meeting. ]

Tentative agenda:

1. Membership report. K. Bowyer

2. Newsletter report. D. Goldgof / J. Crisman

3. Accounting from ICCV 95.

4. Report on International Symposium on Computer Vision.  ??

5. Update on plans for CVPR 96, June 1996, San Francisco. ??

6. Updates on workshops associated with CVPR 96:
   CAD-Based Vision Workshop.
   Biomedical Image Analysis Workshop.

7. Updates on Workshop on Applications of CV.  ??

8. Update on plans for CVPR 97, June 1997, St Thomas. ??

9. Update on plans for ICCV 97, late 1997, India.  ??

10. Update on plans for ICCV 99, August (?) 1999, Corfu, Greece.  ??
11. Update on the PAMI Society.  A. Kak

12. PAMI Page in Computer Magazine.  K. Bowyer