P R O V I S I O N A L   P R O G R A M M E
                         9-12 September 1996
                     The University of Edinburgh

Up-to-date information:

Or contact:
           GENERAL CHAIR                PROGRAMME CHAIR
           Robert B Fisher              Emanuele Trucco
           University of Edinburgh      Heriot-Watt University
           rbf@aifh.ed.ac.uk            mtc@cee.hw.ac.uk

           Gillian M Hayes              Paul Siebert
           University of Edinburgh      The Turing Institute
           gmh@aifh.ed.ac.uk            P.Siebert@turing.gla.ac.uk

*Monday 9 September ----------------------------

[14:00-17:30 Tutorial:]

Vision through Optimisation 
N A Thacker, University of Sheffield 
T F Cootes, University of Manchester

*Tuesday 10 September ---------------------------

[9:00- 9:10 Welcome]
R. B. Fisher, General Chair

[9:10-10:10 Invited Talk:]

Attention and figure-ground segmentation in active vision 
Prof. Jan-Olof Eklundh
Department of Numerical Analysis and Computing Studies, Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

[10:10-10:50 Session 1:] Matching Surfaces 

Estimating Pose Uncertainty for Surface Registration 
Stoddart, A J; Lemke, S; Hilton, A; and Renn, T 
University of Surrey

Free-Form Surface Matching using Mean Field Theory 
Stoddart, A J and Brunnstrom K 
University of Surrey

[10:50-11:20 Coffee]

[11:20-12:40 Session 2:]  Shape 

Ridge Curves and Shape Analysis 
Kent, J T; Mardia, K V and West, J M 
University of Leeds

Robust and Efficient Shape Indexing through Curvature Scale Space 
Mokhtarian, F; Abbasi, S and Kittler, J 
University of Surrey

Affine Integral Invariants for Extracting Symmetry Axes 
Sato, J and Cipolla, R 
University of Cambridge

Detecting Bilateral Symmetry of 3D Point Sets from Affine Views 
Thorhallsson, T 
University of Oxford

[12:40-14:00 Lunch]

[14:00-15:20 Session 3:] Features, Segmentation 

Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion 
Pilu, M and Fisher, R B 
University of Edinburgh

Fast Feature Detection and Matching for Machine Vision 
Trajkovic, M and Hedley, M 
University of Sydney

1-D Fourier Transform Coefficients for Rotation Invariant Texture Segmentation 
Arof, H and Deravi, F 
University of Wales
Ultrasound Image Segmentation using a Point
Distribution Model in a Bayesian Framework 
Glasbey, C A 
University of Edinburgh

[15:20-16:20 Tea] and Poster Session 1

Complex Feedback Strategies for Hypothesis Generation and Verification
Mirmehdi, M; Palmer, P L; Kittler, J and Dabis, H
University of Surrey

Cell Identification in Differential Interference
Contrast Microscope Images using Edge Detection
Young, D and Gray, A J
University of Strathclyde

Correction of Scanning and Projection Errors in an Active Depth Sensor
Zhang, G; Gallaher, Y and Wallace, A M
Heriot-Watt University

Techniques for Assessing Polygonal Approximations of Curves
Rosin, P
Brunel University

On the use the ID Boolean Model for the Description of Binary Textures
Petrou, M; Arrigo, M and Vons, H
University of Surrey

Learning Operators for View-Independent Object Recognition
Pauli, J
Christian-Albrechts-Universitat, Germany

Region Based Coding of Volume Data using Finite Mixture Model
Ichimura, N
Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan

Using Geometric Information in Prototype Selection for
the Nearest Neighbour Rule
Sanchez, J S; Pla, F and Ferri, F J 
Universitat Jaume I and Universitat de Valencia

A Stochastic Framework for Object Localisation
Shao, Y and Mayhew, J E W
University of Sheffield

Document Feature Recognition using a Mesh of Associative Memories
O'Keefe, S E M and Austin, J
University of York

Segmentation of Natural Images Using Self-Organising Feature Maps
Campbell, N W; Thomas, B T and Troscianko, T
University of Bristol

Monocular Reconstruction of 3-D Bilateral Symmetrical Objects
Tan, T N
University of Reading

Identifying Planar Regions in a Scene using Uncalibrated Stereo Vision
Hamid, G; Hollinghurst, N and Cipolla, R
University of Cambridge

Measurement Errors in Polarization Vision Systems
Liang, B; Wallace, A M and Trucco, E
Heriot-Watt University

Surface Reflectance Recovery under Point Light Illumination
Fisher, R B and Gionis, A P
University of Edinburgh

Object Recognition Using Colour,
Shape and Affine Invariant Ratios
Walcott, P A 
City University

[16:20-18:00 Session 4:] Model Fitting, Matching, Recognition 

B-Fitting: An Estimation Technique with
Automatic Parameter Selection 
Thacker, N A; Prendergast, D and Rockett, P I 
University of Sheffield

Attention in Iconic Object Matching 
Grove, T D and Fisher, R B 
University of Edinburgh

Class-based Recognition of 3D Objects Represented
by Volumetric Primitives 
Borges, D L and Fisher R  B 
University of Edinburgh

Hierarchical Shape Fitting using an Iterated Linear Filter 
Baumberg, A 
University of Leeds

A Method of Non-Rigid Correspondence for Automatic
Landmark Identification 
Hill, A and Taylor, C J 
University of Manchester

[20:30 Subscription Membership Open Meeting]

*Wednesday 11 September --------------------------------------

[9:00-10:00 Invited talk:]

Computers Seeing Action  
Prof Aaron F Bobick
MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, Mass, USA

[10:00-10:40 Session 5:] Motion-Based Reconstruction 

Piecewise Shape Reconstruction by Incremental Factorization 
Held, A 
Real World Computing Partnership, Japan

SSD Disparity Estimation for Dynamic Stereo 
Trucco, E; Roberto, V; Tinonin, S and Corbatto, M 
Heriot-Watt University and University of Udine, Italy

[10:40-11:10 Coffee]

[11:10-12:30 Session 6:] Deformable Models

Active Shape Model Search using Pairwise Geometric Histograms 
Di Mauro, E C; Cootes, T F; Taylor, C J and Lanitis, A 
University of Manchester

Automated B-Spline Curve Representation with
MDL-based Active Contours 
Cham, T-J and Cipolla, R 
University of Cambridge

Training PDMs on Models: The Case of Deformable Superellipses 
Pilu, M; Fitzgibbon, A W and Fisher, R B 
University of Edinburgh

Data Driven Refinement of Active Shape Model Search 
Cootes, T F and Taylor, C J 
University of Manchester

[12:30-14:00 Lunch]

[14:00-15:20 Session 7:] Tracking

Zooming while Tracking Using Affine Transfer 
Hayman, E; Reid, I D and Murray, D W 
University of Oxford

Neural Networks in Human Motion Tracking - An Experimental Study 
Xu, Li-Qun and Hogg, D 
University of Abertay and University of Leeds

Detecting and Tracking Linear Features Efficiently
Clarke, J C; Carlsson, S and Zisserman, A
University of Oxford and Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Affine Visual Servoing
Cross, G M T and Cipolla, R 
University of Cambridge

[15:20-16:20 Tea] and Poster Session 2 

Self Calibration and 3D Reconstruction from Lines
with a Single Translating Camera
Thirion, E and Ronse, C
Universite Louis Pasteur

Analysing Error of Fit Functions for Ellipses
Rosin, P
Brunel University

Face Recognition using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
Howell, J A and Buxton, H
University of Sussex

Spatial-Temporal Reasoning Based on Object Motion
Teal, M K and Ellis, T J
University of Bournemouth

Automatically Locating an Area of Interest and Maintaining
a Reference Image  to Aid the Real-Time Tracking of Objects
Cornish, M T and Wakefield, J P
University of Huddersfield

Automatic Measurement of Inhibition Zones in Petri Dish Samples
Steinbakk, H S and Palmer, P L
University of Surrey

Region Template Correlation for FLIR Target Tracking
Parry, H S; Marshall, A D and Markham, K C
University of Wales and British Aerospace (Dynamics) Ltd

A Model-Driven Stereo Correspondence Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming
Shao, Y and Mayhew, J E W
University of Sheffield

Slaving Head and Eye Movements for Visual Telepresence
Heuring, J J and Murray, D W 
University of Oxford

On Uncalibrated Motion-Based Inspection for Conveyor-Belt Systems
Pascoletti, A and Trucco, E
Universita di Udine and Heriot-Watt University

Independent 3D Motion Detection through Robust Regression in Depth Layers
Argyros, A A; Lourakis, M I A; Trahanias, P E and Orphanoudakis, S C
FORTH and University of Crete
Uncalibrated Visual Servoing
Spratling, M and Cipolla, R 
University of Cambridge

Error Propagation for 2D-to-3D Matching with
Application to Underwater Navigation
Christmas, W J; Kittler, J and Petrou, M 
University of Surrey

Visual Motion Estimation for Tumbling Satellite Capture
Zampato, M; Pistellato, R and Maddalena, D
Tecnomare, Italy

Multiresolution Active Contour Models in Textured- Stereo Images
Grace, A E and Pycock, D
University of Birmingham

Estimating Motion in Noisy, Textured Images:
Optical Flow in Medical Ultrasound
Cooper, D H and Graham, J
University of Manchester

On Accurate and Robust Estimation of Fundamental Matrix
Bober, M; Georgis, N and Kittler, J
University of Surrey

Knowledge-Based Anisotropic Diffusion of Vector-Valued 4-Dimensional
Cardiac MR Images
Sanchez-Ortiz, G I; Rueckert, D and Burger, P
Imperial College

Filter for Car Tracking Based on Acceleration and Steering Angle
Maybank, S J; Worrall, A D and Sullivan, G D
University of Reading

A Proposal of Pattern Space Trajectory for Gesture Spotting Recognition
Nagaya, S; Seki, S and Oka, R
Tsukuba Research Center, Japan

[16:20-18:00 Session 8:] Motion and Active Vision

Steering and Navigation Behaviours Using Fixation
Murray, D W; Reid, I D and Davison, A J 
University of Oxford

Correcting Motion-Induced Registration Errors in 3-D Ultrasound Images
Rohling, R and Gee, A 
University of Cambridge

Robust Parameterization and Computation of the Trifocal Tensor 
Torr, P H S and Zisserman, A
University of Oxford

Linear Projective Reconstruction from Matching Tensors
Triggs, B
INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France

Self-Calibration of a Moving Camera by Pre-Calibration
Sturm, P
GRAVIR-IMAG and INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France

[19:30 Conference Dinner] Playfair Library, Old College

*Thursday 12 September ------------------------------------------

[9:00-10:40 Session 9:] Applications 

Registering Incomplete Radar Images using the EM Algorithm
Moss, S and Hancock, E R
University of York

Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification
using Orthographic Approximations
Sullivan, G D; Baker, K D; Worrall, A D; Attwood, C I and Remagnino, P M
University of Reading

Automatic Measurement of Vertebral Shape using Active Shape Models
Smyth, PP; Taylor, CJ and Adams, JE
University of Manchester

Finding Orientated Line Patterns in Digital Mammographic Images
Zwiggelaar, R; Parr, T C and Taylor, C J
University of Manchester

Surface Approximation from Industrial SEM Images
Lacey, A J; Thacker, N A and Yates, R B
University of Sheffield

[10:40-11:10 Coffee]

[11:10-12:30 Session 10:] Faces 

Estimation of Face Position and Pose with Labeled Graphs
Kruger, N; Potzsch, M; Maurer, T and Rinne, M
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany

Scale and Orientation Invariance in Human Face Detection
Yow, K C and Cipolla, R
University of Cambridge

Face Tracking and Pose Representation
McKenna, S; Gong, S and Collins, J J
Queen Mary and Westfield College

Statistical Models of Face Images: Recent Advances
Edwards, G J; Lanitis, A; Taylor, C J and Cootes, T F
University of Manchester

[12:30-12:40 Closing]

[12:40-14:00 Lunch]