IEEE Workshop on Undergraduate Education & Image Computation

        post CVPR '97 --- St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands June 20, 1997


 Kevin Bowyer               George Stockman              Louise Stark
 Dept. of Comp. Sci & Eng.  Dept. of Computer Science    Dept of Elec. & Comp. Eng.
 University of South FloridaMichigan State University    University of the Pacific
 Tampa, FL 33620            East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Stockton, CL 95211


A CVPR '96 panel discussion on the theme ``Teaching Resources for
Image-Related Computation'' sparked a good deal of interest and confirmed a
desire for a continuing discussion. The purpose of this workshop is to build
on the CVPR '96 panel. In particular, we want to emphasize well-documented
examples of courses, course modules, case studies, lab resources, and other
teaching materials that could help faculty to improve the quality of courses
that deal with image-related computation. Possible topics for presentation
and discussion at the workshop include, but are not limited to --

   * comparison of texts for computer vision, image processing, pattern
     recognition, multimedia, virtual reality, ...
   * comparison of software packages and tools to support courses
   * sample syllabi of successful courses that have some unique approach
   * examples of successful courses geared toward majors outside CS/CE/EE
   * integrating image-related computation into traditional ``core'' courses
     (data structures, ...)
   * hardware issues (platforms, cameras, robots, etc.)
   * ``don't do this'' case studies -- examples of appealing ideas that did
     not work
   * case studies from industry -- real projects that say something about
     the education that students should receive in image-related computation


Four copies of papers should be received no later than March 14, 1997 at the
address --

     Professor Kevin Bowyer
     Department of Computer Science and Engineering
     4202 East Fowler Avenue, ENB 118
     Tampa Florida 33620-5399

The papers will be reviewed with an emphasis on content with potential
to contribute toward improved teaching of image-related computation at
the undergraduate level. All submissions should include the e-mail
address of the corresponding author. Papers should not be longer than
approximately 25 normal double-spaced pages. Accepted papers will
become a part of the web site, so authors should be able to supply an
html version of their paper.  Papers may be submitted electronically
as follows. First, use anonymous ftp to leave a tar file, including
all of the files needed to browse an html version of the paper, in the
incoming directory on Use the name of the first
author as the name of the tar file. Second, after the tar file is
ftp-ed, send an e-mail to to say that the file has
been submitted. (Please read the instructions 'educ-ws-instructions'
found in the incoming directory prior to submitting in electronic

   Sponsored by the PAMI Technical Committee of the IEEE Computer Society.