1998 Computer Society Conference
      Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
                     June 23-25, 1998
              Santa Barbara, California, USA
(For more info, please visit: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~cvpr98)
CVPR '98 Organizing Committee

General Chairs

Professor Dmitry Goldgof                   Professor Anil K. Jain
Department of Computer Science and Eng.    Department of Computer Science
University of South Florida                Michigan State University
Tampa, FL 33620                            East Lansing, MI 48824

Program Chairs

Professor Demetri Terzopoulos             Professor Yuan-Fang Wang
Department of Computer Science            Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto                     University of California
Toronto, ON  M5S 3H5                      Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Area Chairs

Dr. Nicholas Ayache 	(Medical Image Analysis)
Dr. Michael Black 	(Motion Analysis)
Dr. Ruud Bolle 		(Applications)
Pr. Terrance Boult	(Shape Representation and Recovery)
Pr. Kim Boyer		(Segmentation and Grouping)
Pr. Christopher Brown	(Real-Time and Active Vision)
Pr. Ramesh Jain 	(Digital and Video Libraries)
Pr. Rangachar Kasturi	(Pattern Analysis)
Pr. Dimitri Metaxas	(Physics-Based Vision)
Pr. Sandy Pentland	(Vision-Based Computer Interfaces)
Pr. Rosalind Picard	(Low Level Vision, Color & Texture)
Pr. Tomaso Poggio	(Learning in Vision)
Pr. Linda Shapiro	(Object Recognition and Indexing)
Dr. Richard Szeliski 	(Vision and Graphics)

Program Committee

L. Abbott       J. Aggarawal       A. Amini      A. Azarbayejani
A. Basu         J. Ben-Arie        R. Beveridge  B. Bhanu
A. Bobick       P. Bouthemy        A. Bovik      K. Bowyer
T. Caelli       O. Camps           S. Chang      A. Chhabra
L. Cohen        J. Connell         J. Crowley    K. Danilidis
T. Darrell      L. Davis           P. Debevec    A. DelBimbo
H. Delingette   M. Dubuisson-Jolly J. Duncan     I. Essa
C. Fermuller    F. Ferrie          M. Fleck      D. Fleet
P. Flynn        B. Freeman         F. Girosi     M. Gleicher
G. Granlund     E. Grimson         A. Gross      B. Gunsel
A. Gupta        A. Gupta           G. Hager      D. Hawkes
G. Healey       M. Hebert          R. Horaud     T. Huang
J. Hull         K. Ikeuchi         M. Irani      D. Jacobs
A. Jepson       A. Kak             I. Kakadiaris J. Kittler
D. Kriegman     K. Kutulakos       S. Lavallee   Y. LeCun
T. Lindeberg    F. Liu             N. Lobo       D. Lowe
G. Malandain    J. Malik           K. Mase       L. Matthies
T. McInerney    L. McMillan        G. Medioni    P. Meer
J. Mundy        D. Murray          H. Nagel      S. Nayar
R. Nelson       W. Niblack         A. Noble      S. Pankanti
D. Petkovic     T. Pun             S. Sarkar     S. Sclaroff
I. Sethi        S. Seitz           S. Shafer     M. Shah
A. Shashua      A. Smeulders       C. Stewart    G. Stockman
M. Swain        T. Syeda-Mahmood   M. Turk       B. Vemuri
M. Viergever    R. Weiss           J. Weng       L. Wolff
B. Yeo          M. Yeung           A. Verri

European Liaison

Professor Horst Bunke
Institut fur Informatik und angewandte Mathematik (IAM)
Forschungsgruppe Bildanalyse und Knstliche Intelligenz
Neubrckstrasse 10
CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland

Finance Chair

Professor Keith E. Price
Department of Computer Science
University of Southern California 
Los Angeles, CA 90089

Workshop Chair                           Tutorial Chair

Professor Patrick Flynn                  Professor A. Lynn Abbott
School of EE and CS                      Bradley School of Electrical Eng.
Washington State University              Virginia Tech
Pullman, WA 99164-2752                   Blacksburg, VA 24061-0111

Demos/Exhibits Chairs

Professor Terrance Boult                 Professor Lynne Grewe
EECS Dept, Lehigh Univ.                  Communication Science and Technology
19 Memorial Drive West                   CSU, Monterey Bay
Bethlehem PA 18015                       Seaside, CA 95010

Publication Chair                        Far East Liaison

Professor Chandra Kambhamettu            Professor Roland Chin
Dept. of Computer and Info. Sciences     Computer Science Department
University of Delaware                   Hong Kong U. of Science & Technology
Newark, DE 19716-2712                    Hong Hong

Local Conference Arrangements

Ms. Sally Vito
UCSB Conference Services
Housing and Residential Services