WEB page: http://www.inria.fr/epidaure/personnel/subsol/MB3IA/mb3ia.html
                     IEEE International Workshop on
                      MODEL-BASED 3D IMAGE ANALYSIS
                      (in conjunction with ICCV'98)
                             January 3, 1998
              Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
                       ORGANIZING COMMITTEE 
         Dr. Élisabeth Cuchet, GEMS, Bangalore, India 
         Dr. Gérard Subsol, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France 
Scientific Board 
         Prof. Raj Acharya, SUNY-Buffalo, USA 
         Prof. Nicholas Ayache, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France 
         Prof. Michael Brady, Oxford University, UK 
         Prof. Guido Gerig, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich,
         Prof. Gérard Medioni, University of South California, USA 
         Prof. Dimitris Metaxas, University of Pennsylvania, USA 
         Prof. Alex Pentland, MIT, Cambridge, USA 
         Prof. Jean Ponce, University of Illinois, USA 
         Prof. Richard Szeliski, Microsoft, USA 
         Prof. Demetri Terzopoulos, University of Toronto, Canada 
         Prof. Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland 
Program Committee 
         Dr. Hervé Delingette, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France 
         Dr. Christos Davatzikos, Johns Hopkins University, USA 
         Dr. Irfan Essa, Georgia Tech, USA 
         Dr. Pascal Fua, EPFL, Switzerland 
         Dr. Adrian Hilton, University of Surrey, UK 
         Dr. Kiriakos Kutulakos, University of Rochester, USA 
         Dr. Stan Sclaroff, Boston University, USA 
         Dr. Ilan Shimshoni, Technion Institute of Technology, Israel 
         Dr. Harry Shum, Microsoft, USA 
        These last years have seen the multiplication of 3D images due to
development and improvement of new acquisition devices (CT-Scan, MR, 3D
ultrasound, confocal microscopy, seismic imagery, Cyberware range laser,
in several application fields (medicine, molecular biology, geology,
paleontology, etc.). Such 3D images are very large, difficult to interact
and contain very complex non-polyhedral structures.  In order to obtain
and reliable results within a reasonable computation time, 3D image
algorithms are very often based on "models", i.e., simplified and synthetic
representations of complex entities.  
This workshop will be an opportunity to gather people from different fields
(Computer Vision, Medical Imaging, Industry, etc.) to present their research
and results, to exchange ideas, and to discuss model-based 3D image
There are three main axes for the workshop:
     o Design of a model. What to model? Mathematical formulations? How to
model parameters from a database? Geometry Modeling Shape Modeling Physical
Modeling Mechanical Modeling Motion/Deformation Modeling Morphometric Tools
Atlas Construction Deformable Models Virtual Worlds ...  
     o Utilization of a model. How to use the model to represent structures
well as their properties? Model-Based Segmentation Model-Based Matching and
Tracking Model-Guided Registration Physical Simulation Morphometric Analysis
Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality ...  
     o Applications. Examples of concrete implementations of model-based 3D
image analysis. 
The workshop is composed of 12 oral presentations of 25-minutes and a key
talk given by an authoritative person of the field, Prof. Mike Brady, Oxford
University. Texts of presentations will be published in proceedings that
be available for the workshop.  
Each paper has been reviewed by three people under the supervision of the
Program Committee.  
                               Invited Talk
  Model-based 3D image processing (provisional title) 
     M. Brady - Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford (UK)
                          Model Representation
  o Invariant Object Representation and Recognition Using Lie Algebras of
Tangential and Normal Vector Fields 
     J. Chao, A. Karasudani, T. Shimada, K. Minowa - Dept. of Electrical and
        Electronic Engineering, Chuo University, Tokyo (Japan) 
  o Pose Estimation of Free-Form 3D Objects without Point Matching using
Algebraic Surface Models 
     J.Ph. Tarel, H. Çivi, D. B. Cooper - LEMS Lab, Division of Engineering,
        Brown University, Providence (USA) 
  o On Generating Multi-Resolution Representation of Polygonal Meshes 
     D. Zhang, A. Johson, M. Hebert, Y. Liu - The Robotics Institute,
        Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA)
                         Model-Based Reconstruction
  o Depth Measurement by Multi-Focus Camera 
     S. Hiura, G. Takemura, T. Matsuyama - Dept. of Electronics and
        Communication, Graduate School of Eng., Kyoto University (Japan)
  o Towards object modelling by incorporating geometric constraints 
     N. Werghi, R. Fisher, C. Robertson, A. Ashbrook - Dept. of Artificial
        Intelligence, University of Edinburgh (UK) 
  o General Deformable Model Approach for Model-based Reconstruction 
     H. Delingette, J. Montagnat - EPIDAURE Project, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis
  o Models for Understanding the 3D Human Body Form 
     L. Dekker, S. Khan, E. West, B. Buxton, P. Treleaven - Dept. of
        Science, University College London (UK) 
                          Model-Based Segmentation
  o Model-Based Segmentation of Cloud Structures In Satellite Image
     H. M. Yahia, J.P. Berroir, G. Mazars - INRIA, Rocquencourt (France) 
  o Three-Dimensional Model-based Segmentation 
     A. Kelemen, G. Székely, G. Gerig - Communication Technology Lab, Swiss
        Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (Switzerland) 
  o Model Based Segmentation of Clinical Knee MRI 
     T. Kapur, P. A. Beardsley, S. F. Gibson, W. E. L. Grimson, W. M. Wells
        AI Lab, MIT / Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab / Brigham and Womens 
        Hospital, Cambridge (USA) 
                     Model-Based Registration and Tracking
  o Efficient CAD-Based Visualisation of Unordered 3D Data 
     M. Ristic, D. Brujic, T. Moeljono - Mechanical Engineering Dept.,
        College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (UK) 
  o Model Based Tracking of 3D Deformations in Multiview Image Sequences 
     I. Kompatsiaris, D. Tzovaras, M. G. Strintzis - Information Processing
Laboratory, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) 
6th International Conference on Computer Vision 
Homi Bhabha Auditorium
Bombay, India
January 4-7, 1998
Affiliated Workshops: January 2-3, 1998
For on line registration, please visit
For any information, please consul the Web page
http://www.inria.fr/epidaure/personnel/subsol/MB3IA/mb3ia.html or mail to
Gérard Subsol .