           Call for Papers - SIBGRAPI'98
You are invited to submit contributions  and participate 
in SIBGRAPI'98,  the  1998  International  Symposium  on
Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Vision. The 11th 
edition  of the SIBGRAPI, the most prestigious Brazilian  
series  of  meetings  in related areas, now in its first 
international  version,  SIBGRAPI'98  will take place at 
IMPA (Institute of   Pure  and  Applied Mathematics), in 
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in October 1998. The Proceedings 
of  SIBGRAPI'98 are expected to be published by the IEEE 
Computer Society.
Two  basic  categories  of  paper  submissions are being 
             full papers (8 pages) and 
             short papers (4 pages).
While  full papers should report original and reasonably 
mature work, short  papers  may  describe  ongoing work, 
applications, and undergraduate research.
Full papers  should be  written in English and presented
orally in English or as posters (English or Portuguese).
Short papers should be written  in English or Portuguese
and presented as posters.  
Full and short papers  will be  published electronically
(Web and, possibly,   CD-ROM),  but the Proceedings will
include only the former (i.e. full papers).
Prospective  authors,  especially  those  who  have  not 
published in SIBGRAPI, who want to  have  a  preliminary 
feedback on their  submission should fill the SUBMISSION
PROPOSAL FORM (to be found at the end of this text), and 
send it to: 
no later than 25th Jan 1998. 
Please observe the following:
   * The  submission of a  SUBMISSION  PROPOSAL  FORM is 
     optional, i.e. authors who do not want to send this 
     proposal can still send the full version  of  their
     manuscript for assessment by 24th Apr. 1998 ;
   * Every effort will be made in order to have the full 
     version of the  manuscript  assessed  by  the  same 
     referees  who   firstly   analysed  the  respective 
   * The approval of a SUBMISSION PROPOSAL by  no  means 
     implies that  the  respective  manuscript  will  be 
     necessarily accepted in further assessment rounds.
Authors are  advised to  refer to the  SIBGRAPI'96 and 97
homepages (addresses below), in order to familiarize with
the adopted style and format.
* SIBGRAPI'96: http://www.visgraf.impa.br/sibgrapi96/main.html
* SIBGRAPI'97: http://www2.lncc.br/sibgrapi97/
The instructions to authors will  be  available  futurely 
>from the SIBGRAPI'98 homepage, to be found at:
A number of Panels are being  expected  as  part of  the 
SIBGRAPI'98 programme. Such panels, which  can be  short 
(2 hours) or long (4 hours).      Panels may be used for
discussion    on   educational   issues,     technology, 
industrial  application,  teaching aids,  as well as for 
discussion  and  evaluation of  distinct approaches to a 
same problem. 
Panels are proposed by a coordinator, who is  allowed to 
invite  the  other  participants,   each  of  which  is 
expected to  deliver  a  10 to 20 minutes  presentation, 
followed by questions and debate. 
Panel proposals, to be sent to:
no later than 10th May 1998, should include: 
     (a) title; 
     (b) name of coordinator and participants; 
     (c) objectives;
     (d) abstract of each planned presentation; and 
     (e) resume of coordinator and participants, 
         emphasizing expertise in the related subjects.
The assessment of the proposals will  take  into account
the following aspects: 
     (a) relevance; 
     (b) potential to attract interest from the audience; 
     (c) originality; and 
     (d) experience of the coordinator and participants
         in related areas.
Major Topics of interest (papers and panels)  include  but
are not limited to the following:
     Geometric modeling
     Computational geometry
     Image synthesis
     Graphical user interfaces
     Animation and Simulation
     Virtual reality
     Multimedia and Hypermedia
     Graphical databases
     Medical imaging
     Mathematical Morphology
     Computer architectures for Computer Graphics, 
         Image Processing, and Vision
     Statistical signal processing
     Multiresolution signal processing and analysis
     Multidimensional signal processing and analysis
     Video processing and analysis
     Remote sensing
     Image compression
     Pattern recognition
     Image segmentation
     Robotic vision
     Active vision
     Dynamic contours
     Selective attention
     Neural networks for visual computation
     Artificial intelligence for visual computation
     Visual neuroscience
     Visual perception and cognition
25th Jan. 1998 - Submission  proposals  (optional)  sent
                 to  Program  Committee  by  prospective 
1st March 1998 - Comments on Submission  Proposals  sent 
                 to prospective authors;
24th Apr. 1998 - Full  and  Short  Papers  submitted  to 
                 Program Committee by every author;
10th May 1998  - Panel proposals sent to Program Committee;
5th June 1998  - Assessment results sent to authors;
10th June 1998 - Eventual comments by authors sent to 
                 the Program Committee by every author;
26th June 1998 - Final results regarding  the acceptance
                 of submissions;
3rd July 1998  - Final version of papers and communications 
                 sent to Program Committee.
20-23rd Oct. 1998  - SIBGRAPI'98
International Section:
  Luciano da Fontoura Costa (Coordinator), 
       Cybernetic Vision Research Group, IFSC, 
       University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  Alexander Stoyen, 
       Real-Time Computing Laboratory,
       New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
  Andrew Glassner, 
       Graphics Group, 
       Microsoft Corporation, USA
  Arie E. Kaufman, 
       Department of Computer Science, 
       State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook , USA
  Azriel Rosenfeld, 
       Center for Automation Research, 
       University of Maryland, USA
  Christine Giger, 
       Graphic Information System, 
       Darmstadt, Germany
  Daniel Thalmann, Computer Graphics Lab, 
       Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
  David Breen, 
       Computer Graphics Laboratory, 
       Beckman Institute, CalTech, USA
  Georgios Sakas, 
       Fraunhofer Institut fur Graphische Datenverarbeitung, Germany 
  Gerald Kaiser, 
       Department of Mathematical Sciences, 
       University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA 
  Helder Araujo, 
       University of Coimbra, Portugal 
  James A. Sethian, 
       Dept. Mathematics, 
       University of California Berkeley, USA 
  Jose Luis Encarnacao, 
       Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
  Kiriakos N. Kutulakos,
       Dept. Computer Science, 
       University of Rochester, USA 
  Mark Sandler, 
       Signals and Systems Research Group, King's College, 
       University of London, UK
  Milan Sonka, 
       Electrical and Computer Engineering, 
       The University of Iowa, USA
  Paul Rosin, 
       Dept. Computer Science & Information Systems, 
       Brunel University, UK
  Pierre Poulin, 
       Laboratoire d'infographie, 
       Universite de Montreal, Canada 
  Robert Haralick, 
       Dept. Electrical Eng., 
       University of Washington, USA
  Ruzena Bajcsy, 
       University of Pennsylvania, USA 
  Tomaso Poggio, 
       Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Science, 
       MIT, USA
  Virginio Cantoni, 
       Department of Computer and Systems Engineering, 
       Pavia University, Italy
  Yoshiaki Shirai, 
       Mechanical Engineering for Computer-Controlled Machinery Dept., 
       Osaka University, Japan
National Section:
  Luciano da Fontoura Costa (Coordinator), IFSC-USP
  Anna Helena Reali Costa Rillo, Poli-USP
  Antonio Francisco, INPE
  Carla Maria Dal Sasso Freitas, Instituto de Informatica, UFRGS
  Junior Barrera, IME-USP
  Jose Ricardo de Almeida Torreao, UFF
  Luiz Pessoa, COPPE-UFRJ
  Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, LNCC
  Maurence M. Anguh, UFMa
  Marcelo Walter, Unisinos
  Maria Cristina Ferreira de Oliveira, ICMSC-USP
  Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos, DCC-UFMG
  Olga Regina Pereira Bellon, DI-UFPR
  Ricardo Machado, PUC-Rio
  Roberto de Alencar Lotufo, FEEC-UNICAMP
  Sergio Fukusima, USP-Rib. Preto
Auxiliary Committee:
  Alan Salvany Felinto, IFSC-USP
  Andrea Gomes Campos, IFSC-USP
  Luis Augusto Consularo, IFSC-USP
 To be filled and sent to luciano@ultra3000.ifsc.sc.usp.br 
 no later than 25th Jan. 1998.
AUTHORS NAME:_______________________________________________
No more than 20 lines describing the work you are intended to 
submit on 24th April 1998:
Prof. Luciano da Fontoura Costa
Coordinator - Cybernetic Vision Research Group
DFI-IFSC, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Caixa Postal 369
Sao Carlos, SP
e-mail: luciano@ultra3000.ifsc.sc.usp.br
FAX: +55 162 71 3616
WWW: http://www.ifqsc.sc.usp.br/visao/group/members/luciano/luciano.htm