European Workshop on 
3D Structure from Multiple Images of Large-scale Environments
       jointly organized by the European Projects
   in conjunction with the ECCV98 in Freiburg, Germany 
                       6-7 June 1998 
         at the University of Freiburg, Germany. 
The potential for 3D reconstructions of scenes and objects is 
tremendous. As the focus of computer vision applications is shifting 
>from automation toward (tele)communications, the requirements for 
3D models and 3D acquisition systems are also shifting. Visualisation 
rather than mensuration is the primary issue. The perceptual quality 
of the models, the flexibility of the acquisition, and the cost of the 
system are three driving forces in the search for new methods. 
The last few years have seen important steps toward genuine flexibility. 
A case in point is the use of uncalibrated  multiple images to generate 
3D models, without an explicit knowledge of the relative position of the 
cameras or the camera settings. 
A two day workshop on 3D Structure from Multiple Images (SMILE) will be 
held on June 6-7 1998, just after the ECCV98. The workshop will focus on 
the latest developments in this area. European projects CUMULI, 
PANORAMA, and VANGUARD will demonstrate the feasibility of generating 
highly realistic 3D models from natural, uncalibrated video sequences, 
of using 3D models for telecommunications, and of integrating real and 
virtual objects into a single environment. 
The workshop will consist of single track highest quality
presentations including:
o Key Note presentation by Dr. Richard Hartley
o In-Depth Presentation of recent research results including
        - multiple view image relations
        - self-calibration techniques
        - long sequence motion tracking
        - 3D structure recovery and surface modeling
        - augmented reality and mixing of real and virtual scenes
o Live demonstrations
To obtain further information please contact the SMILE homepage:
or the ECCV98 homepage
Registration to the workshop will be handled by the ECCV registration.
                  SMILE Workshop Program
Place: Auditorium 3044 at the Kollegiengebaeude III (KG III),  Anbau.
Date: Sa. 6 and Sun. 7th of June.
                  Saturday June 6th
 8.30-9.00        Registration
 9.00-10.30       Session 1: Introductory Session
        9.00-9.10       Welcome Address
        9.10-9.45       Overview of the Projects VANGUARD,CUMULI, and PANORAMA.
                        Luc Van Gool, Roger Mohr, Ralf Buschmann
        9.45-10.30      Multilinear Methods in Scene Reconstruction.
                        Invited presentation by Richard Hartley
10.30 - 11.00   Coffee break
11.00 - 12.30   Session 2: Multiview Relations
      11.00-11.30       Geometry of Multiple Affine Views.              
                        Long Quan, Yuichi Otha, Roger Mohr
      11.30-12.00       Optimal Estimation of Matching Constraints.
                        Bill Triggs
      12.00-12.30       Geometrically Constrained Structure from Motion: 
                        Points on Planes.
                        Richard Szeliski, Phil Torr
12.30 - 14.00   Lunch break
14.00 - 15.30   Session 3: 3D Structure from Image Sequences I
      14.00-14.30       What Can We do With a Non-Rigid Vision Platform?
                        Amnon Shashua
      14.30-15.00       Automatic 3D Model Construction for Turn-Table 
                        Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Geoff Cross and Andrew Zisserman
      15.00-15.30       Metric 3D Surface Reconstruction from Uncalibrated
                        Image Sequences.
                        Marc Pollefeys, Reinhard Koch, Maarten Vergauwen, 
                        Luc Van Gool
15.30 - 15.45   Coffee break
15.45 - 16.45   Session 4: 3D Structure from Image Sequences II
      15.45-16.15       Matching and Reconstruction from Widely 
                        Separated Views.
                        Phil Pritchett, Andrew Zisserman
      16.15-16.45       Interactive 3D Modeling from Multiple Images 
                        using Scene Regularities.
                        Heung-Yeung Shum, Richard Szeliski, Simon Baker, 
                        Mei Han, Padmananbhan Anandan
16.45 - 18.00   Session 5: Live Demonstrations of Project Results
                  Sunday June 7th
 9.00 - 10.30   Session 6: Calibration and Reconstruction using 
                           Scene Constraints
       9.00-9.30        Euclidean and Affine Structure/Motion for Uncalibrated 
                        Cameras from Affine Shape and Subsidiary Information.
                        Gunnar Sparr
       9.30-10.00       A Stratified Approach to 3D Reconstruction from 
                        Uncalibrated Images, with Partial Scene Calibration.
                        Daphna Weinshall, Padmananbhan Anandan, Michal Irani
      10.00-10.30       Imposing Euclidean Constraints during 
                        Self-Calibration Process.
                        Didier Bondyfalat, Sylvain Bougnoux             
10.30 - 11.00   Coffee break
11.00 - 12.30   Session 7: Depth Estimation
      11.00-11.30      Block-based Disparity Estimation Considering the 
                       non-uniform Distribution of the Estimation Error.
                       Lutz Falkenhagen, Thomas Wedi
      11.30-12.00      Multi-Camera Aquisitions for High-Accuracy 
                       3D Reconstruction.
                       Federico Pedersini, A. Sarti, S. Tubaro
      12.00-12.30      Beyond the Epipolar Constraint.
                       Thomas Brodsky, Cornelia Fernmueller, Yiannis Aloimonos
12.30 - 14.00   Lunch break
14.00 - 16.00   Session 8: Range Integration and Augmented Reality Systems
      14.00-14.30     Integration of Multiple Range Maps through 
                      Consistency Processing.
                      Robert Philippe, Damien Minaud
      14.30-15.00     Fitting Geometrical Deformable Models to Registered 
                      Range Images.
                      Stefan Grosskopf, Peter Neugebauer
      15.00-15.30     The use of Reality Models in Augmented Reality 
                      Gudrun Klinker, Didier Stricker, Dirk Reiners
      15.30-16.00     Applying Augmented Reality Techniques in the Field of 
                      Interactive Collaborative Design.
                      Hagen Schumann, Silviu Burtescu, Frank Siering
SMILE Workshop Committee:
         L. Falkenhagen - University of Hannover 
         O. Faugeras - INRIA Sophia Antipolis 
         N. Holliman - Sharp Laboratories Oxford 
         R. Koch - University of Leuven 
         R. Mohr - INPG Grenoble 
         G. Sakas - IGD Darmstadt 
         A. Shashua - Hebrew University of Jerusalem 
         G. Sparr - Lund University 
         B. Triggs - INRIA Grenoble 
         L. Van Gool - University of Leuven 
         A. Zisserman - University of Oxford 
Mail to Organizing Committee:
c/o. Dr. Reinhard Koch                 phone: (+16)-32 18 81
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven     fax:   (+16)-32 17 23
Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94
3001 Leuven