SSPR'98 In Australia
                Swiss Grand Hotel, Bondi Beach, Sydney, August 1998

                Preliminary call for papers and participation

You are invited to participate in the 7th International workshop on
Structural and Syntactic
Pattern Recognition to be held on August 11-13. 1998 at the Swiss Grand
Hotel, Bondi Beach,
Sydney, Australia.

The Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition workshop series has
traditionally been held in
conjunction with ICPR-the International Conference on Pattern
Recognition. In 1998 both will be
held back-to-back in Australia: SSPR in Sydney and the 14th ICPR in

                        Honorary chairperson:
                        Professor Herbert Freeman,
                        Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey,

Adnan Amin                                Dov Dori
School of Computer Science&Engineering    Faculty of Industrial Engineering 
University of New South Wales             Technion, Israel
Institute of Technology                   Haifa
2052 Sydney, NSW, Australia               32000, Israel

                Program Committee

Keiichi Abe                     Shizuoka University, Japan
Thomas Bayer                    Daimler.Benz Research Center Ulm, Germany
Gunilla Borgefors               Swedish University, Sweden
Horst Bunke                     Bern University, Switzerland
Terry Caelli                    Curtin University, Australia
Its'hak Dinstein                Ben Gurion University, Israel
Rudolf Freund                   TU Wien, Austria
Luc Van Gool                    University Leuven, Belgium
Robert Haralick                 Univerity of Washington, Seattle, USA
Pieter Jonker                   Delft University, The Netherlands
Walter Kropatsch                TU Wien, Austria
Hsi-Jian Lee    I               National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Gerald Masini                   INRIA Lorraine & CRIN/CNRS, France
John Oommen                     Carleton University, Canada
Ting Chuen Pong                 University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Claude Sammut                   University Of New South Wales, Australia
Alberto Sanfeliu                Polytechnic of Catelonia, Spain
Linda Shapiro                   Univerity of Washington, USA
Gabriella Sanniti Di Baja       Instituto di Cibernetica, Italy
J. Humberto Sossa               Centro Nacional de Calculo-IPN, Mexico
Sargur Srihari                  State University of New York, Seattle, USA
Karl Tombre                     INRIA Lorraine & CRIN/CNRS, France
Patrick. Wang                   Northeastern University, USA
Kazuhiko Yamamoto               Gifu University, Japan

                Aim and Scope

The workshop will provide a forum for presenting and discussing novel 
research results in areas related to structure and syntax in pattern 
recognition and their applications. The workshop will focus on the 
transfer and integration of new theoretical issues into practical 
Special emphasis will be put on pattern-based methods for storage, 
retrieval, search and querying.  The workshop will feature invited talks, 
oral paper presentations and poster presentations.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Theoretical issues and formal methods:

* Grammar and language based methods
* Structural matching: string, trees, graphs, etc..
* Machine learning and grammatical inference
* Mathematical morphology
* Neural-net based recognition
* Object-Oriented and Object-Process Methodologies


* Shape and motion analysis and planning
* Pattern-based information retrieval from image document databases and
knowledge bases
* Pattern-based 2D and 3D object recognition
* Pattern-based search on the Internet and other distribution
heterogeneous databases
* Applications  of SSPR to multimedia
* Structured document image analysis and recognition
* Pattern-based speech recognition
* Grouping processes

Submission Procedure

Papers should describe original and unpublished work. Prospective
authors should submit five
copies of their contribution(s) by December 1, 1997 to:

        Adnan Amin (SSPR'98)
        School of Computer Science and Engineering
        University of New South Wales
        Sydney, 2052, NSW, Australia

The manuscript submitted should be no longer than 15 pages, and the
cover page should contain:
title, author's name, affiliation and address, e-mail address, fax and
telephone number, and
an abstract no longer than 150 words. In case of joint authorship, the
first name will be used
for correspondence unless otherwise requested. All manuscripts will be
reviewed by at least
two members of the program committee. Accepted papers will appear in
the proceedings which are
expected to be published in the series Lecture Notes in Computer
Science by Springer-Verlag, and
will be distributed to all participants at the workshop.

Special Issue of Pattern Recognition
Selected papers from the workshop will be published in a special
edition of the journal PATTERN
RECOGNITION scheduled for July 1999. Prospective authors will be asked
to submit enhanced papers
for review at the workshop.

Important Dates

Extended paper submission deadline: December 1, 1997
Notification of acceptance: March  1998
Camera-ready paper due: May 1998

If you intend to participate or would like further information, please
send e-mail to: