************************    CALL FOR PAPERS    ***************************
                 IEEE-SP International Symposium on
                          October 7-9, 1998
                         Marriott City Center
                    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Papers are being solicited for the fourth International Symposium on
Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, sponsored by the IEEE Signal
Processing Society, to be held in Pittsburgh, PA on October 7-9, 1998.
The symposium will consist of two and a half days of technical sessions
(oral and poster presentations) on the theory and applications of
time-frequency and time-scale analysis and methods, plus invited plenary
talks. Paper topics include:
1. Signal  densities/distributions/representations
1.1 Time-Frequency
1.2 Time-Scale
1.3 Space-Spatial frequency
1.4 Ambiguity / characteristic functions
1.5 Other (specify)
2. Signal transforms, expansions and reconstruction
2.1 Gabor transforms
2.2 Scale/Mellin transforms
2.3 Wavelet transforms
2.4 Fractional Fourier transforms
2.5 Best basis / pursuit methods
2.6 Denoising
2.7 TFD decompositions
2.8 Other (specify)
3. Instantaneous quantities and related concepts
3.1 Instantaneous frequency
3.2 Instantaneous bandwidth
3.3 Instantaneous scale
3.4 Group delay
3.5 AM / FM
3.6 Other (specify)
4. Time-varying signals and systems
4.1 Linear time-varying systems modeling and identification
4.2 Time-varying spectra (e.g., Evolutionary Spectrum, parametric)
4.3 Time-varying filtering (linear and nonlinear)
4.4 Multiresolution methods, filterbanks, wavelets
4.5 Other (specify)
5. Decision making in time-frequency / time-scale
5.1 Classification
5.2 Detection and estimation
5.3 Subspace methods
5.4 Other (specify)
6. Applications
6.1 Speech and audio
6.2 Image processing
6.3 Biomedical and biological
6.4 Acoustics
6.5 Physics and astronomy
6.6 Radar / sonar
6.7 Machine/process monitoring, fault analysis
6.8 Seismic / geophysics
6.9 Other (specify)
Prospective authors are invited to submit 4 copies of an extended summary 
(up to 3 pages in length, 8 1/2 x 11 inches or A4 paper) for review.  The 
top of the first page should include the name, affiliations and addresses of 
each author, plus the telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address of the 
corresponding author.  Authors are asked to indicate via a footnote at the 
bottom of the first page a paper category from the list above which best 
matches the general topic of their paper.  Summaries should be mailed to 
IEEE-SP TFTS98, c/o the Palisades Institute, 201 Varick St., Suite 1006, New 
York, NY 10014 USA by March 30, 1998.  Authors of accepted papers will
then be asked to submit four-page conference papers according to the schedule
below.  Conference proceedings will be distributed at the symposium.
Submission of extended summaries..........March 30, 1998
Notification of acceptance................June 5, 1998
Camera-ready paper due....................July 31, 1998
--------  CONFERENCE COMMITTEE   --------
General Chair
Pat Loughlin
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
348 Benedum Hall
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Technical Chair
Bill Williams
University of Michigan
Technical Committee
Metin Akay
Moeness Amin
Richard Baraniuk
Leon Cohen
Gabriel Cristobal
Ingrid Daubechies
Patrick Flandrin
Dale Groutage
Douglas Nelson
Bruce Suter
Martin Vetterli
Lang White
Organization Chair
Luis Chaparro
University of Pittsburgh
Amro El-Jaroudi
University of Pittsburgh
Publication and Publicity
Giorgio Rizzoni
Ohio State University
Meeting Arrangements
Ralph Nadell
Palisades Institute for Research Services, Inc.
201 Varick Street
New York, NY 10014
(212) 620-3341
(212) 620-3379