Call for Participation
                 Joint ISPRS/EARSeL Workshop on
       Fusion of Sensor Data, Knowledge Sources and Algorithms
       for Extraction and Classification of Topographic Objects
                         Valladolid,  Spain
                      3 June to 4 June 1999
 For detailed information about this workshop please visit the web at: .
 This  two-day  workshop  will  directly  follow  the  19th  EARSeL
 Symposium in Valladolid, May 31 to June 2. The workshop will
 deal with both airborne and spaceborne sensor  data for the
 detection, reconstruction and classification of topographic, urban
 and other objects. Later tasks are very difficult to automate.  To
 reduce this difficulty, combinations of sensors, data, processing
 methods and a priori  knowledge sources have  increasingly been
 used. Examples include:
 - integration of sensors (e.g. simultaneous use of various optical
   sensors and GPS/INS)
 - use   of   multispectral,   multitemporal,   multiresolution,
   multisensor and multiple polarisation data
 - use of multiple algorithms on the same data and combination  of
   the partial results
 - use  of a priori knowledge (e.g. existing digital maps or other
   spatial  information databases, models, rules etc.) to constrain
   the search space or verify the results
 The workshop will present related research work and  serve  as  a
 forum  for  discussion on various still  unsolved  problems.  The
 emphasis will be on the development of methods and algorithms  for
 data  processing in various application fields and  less on data
 acquisition.  30  papers from 11 countries will  be  presented  in
 single   track  sessions  (seven Technical  Sessions and one
 Interactive Session). Most technical sessions have only 3  papers,
 thus  allowing  plenty of  time  for  intensive  discussions  and
 preserving  the workshop character of the meeting. The proceedings
 of   the  workshop  will  be  published  in  the  series  of   the
 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and
 will be available on-site.
 The  Workshop  is organised by the following ISPRS Working  Groups
 (WG) and an EARSeL Special Interest Group (SIG):
 - ISPRS WG III/5 "Remote Sensing and Vision Theories for Automatic
   Scene Interpretation"  (chairs: B. Csatho, D. Wang, USA)
 - ISPRS Intercommission WG IV/III.2 "Integration of Image Analysis
   and GIS" (chairs: E. Baltsavias, Switzerland, M. Hahn, Germany)
 - ISPRS WG VII/4 "Computer Assisted Image Interpretation and
   Analysis" (chairs: B. Koch, Germany, A. Sieber Italy)
 - EARSeL SIG "Data Fusion" (chair: L. Wald)
 The technical programme, a registration form and other general
 information about the workshop can be found at
 Hope to see you at the workshop in Valladolid.