        ----------------- CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE MMSP'99  ----------------------
                   SEPTEMBER 13 -15, 1999, COPENHAGEN, DENMARK
The workshop is organized by the Multimedia Signal Processing Technical 
Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
Sponsored by the Danish National Center for IT Research, Nokia A/S,
Hewlett-Packard A/S, Tele Danmark A/S, and Thomas B. Thriges Fond.
Thanks to the sponsorship of Nokia A/S a number of scholarships are 
available to provide financial support for participants from overseas,
particularly Ph.D. students and Postdocs.
The workshop will feature keynote addresses, technical presentations, 
panel discussions, and special sessions by invited speakers.
The topics include, from a signal-processing viewpoint:
            Integration of Media,
            Human/machine Interfaces, and
            Multimedia Networks including specially the Internet.
In particular, papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the following
        general areas:
  1. Multimedia Processing: Compression for Multimedia (Audio, Video,
     Speech, etc.). Integration of Media, Joint Audio-Video Processing.
  2. Multimedia Databases: Indexing, Retrieval, and Archiving, Authoring
     and Editing, Digital Library, Content Preparation and Presentation.
  3. Multimedia System Design and Implementation: Parallel Architecture,
     ASIC Design, Software and Hardware Design, System Integration,
     Signal Acquisition.
  4. Human-Machine Interface and Perception: Content Recognition/Analysis/
     Synthesis, Speech Recognition and Synthesis, Audio/Music Signal
     Processing and Synthesis, Multimodal Interaction (Speech, Image, and
     Video), Audiovisual Perception Quality and Human Factors, Agents, 
     Avatars and Talking Heads.
  5. Multimedia Communications: Equalization and Synchronization, Transport
     Protocols, QoS Control, Error Concealment and Loss Recovery, Rate
     Control and Hierarchical Coding, Wireless Communication.
  6. Multimedia Applications: WWW and Hypermedia, Videoconferencing
     and Collaboration Environments, Education and Distant Learning,
     Telemedicine, Home-shopping, Gaming and Virtual Reality, SDTV, HDTV, 
     SHDTV and Video on Demand.
  7. Standards and Related Issues: ITU-T Standards for Audiovisual
     Communication, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MHEG, DAVIC, ATM Forum,
     HTML, VRML, and others. Compressed Domaine Processing.
        PAPERS: Prospective authors are invited to submit 5 copies of extended
        summaries of no more than 4 pages. The top of the first page of the
        summary should include a title, authors names, affiliations, address,
        telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address. The camera-ready full
        papers (each up to 4 pages) of accepted proposals will be published
        in proceedings and distributed at the workshop.
        DEMOS: Prospective authors are invited to submit proposals for 
        demonstrations. Please contact the Demo Sessions Chair: 
        Kim Tilgaard, ktp@tdk.dk.
        Non-electronic: MMSP99
                        Section for Digital Signal Processing
                        Department of Mathematical Modelling, Building 321
                        Technical University of Denmark
                        DK-2800 Lyngby
        Electronic:     URL: http://eivind.imm.dtu.dk/mmsp99/
        Information:    URL: http://eivind.imm.dtu.dk/mmsp99/
                        Email: mmsp99@imm.dtu.dk
                        Phone: +45 45253353
                        SUBMISSION SCHEDULE
            Extended summary received by: January 15, 1999.
            Notification of acceptance: April 15, 1999.
            Camera ready papers received: June 4, 1999.
            Advance registration before: August 1, 1999.
The workshop is carried out in cooperation with the Neural Networks for
Signal Processing Technical Committee, and Speech Technical Committee 
of the IEEE Signal Processing Society; with EURASIP; with the Danish 
Research Council Center for Multimedia; with Center for PersonKommunikation, 
Aalborg University; with IEEE Denmark Section, Signal Processing
Chapter; with the Danish Society for Applied Digital Signal
Processing; with the COM-Center, the IT, and the TELE Departments of
the Technical University of Denmark.
                      WORKSHOP COMMITTEE
        General Co-Chairs:
           Ed Deprettere, Department of Electrical Engineering
           Delft University of Technology, The Nederlands.
           Bastiaan Kleijn, Department of Speech, Music, and Hearing
           Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
        Technical Co-Chairs:
           K.J. Ray Liu, Electrical Engineering Department & 
           Institute for Systems Research
           University of Maryland, MD 20742, USA.
           John Aasted Sorensen, Section for Digital Signal Processing
           Department of Mathematical Modelling, Building 321
           Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark.
        Publication Chair:
           Jorn Ostermann, AT&T Labs-Research
           NJ 07701, USA
        Far East Liason Chair:
           Shigeru Katagiri
           ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories
           Kyoto 619-0288, Japan.
        Publicity Chair:
           Jenq-Neng Hwang, Department of Electrical Engineering
           University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
        Finance Chair: 
           Steffen Duus Hansen, Section for Digital Signal Processing
           Department of Mathematical Modelling, Building 321
           Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark.
        Demo Chair:
           Kim Tilgaard, Tele Danmark A/S
           2630 Taastrup, Denmark.
        Electronic Media Chair:
           Peter Soeren Kirk Hansen, Section for Digital Signal Processing
           Department of Mathematical Modelling, Building 321
           Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark.
        Program Committee:
           Ali Akansu, New Jersy Institute of Technology
           Ezio Biglieri, Politecnico di Torino
           Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia University
           Rama Chellappa, University of Maryland
           Tsuhan Chen, Carnegie Mellon University
           Reha Civanlar, AT&T Research
           Paul Dalsgaard, Aalborg University
           Jean-Luc Dugelay, EUROCOM
           Sadaoki Furui, Tokyo Institute of Technology 
           Kaj Gronbak, Aarhus University
           Yu Hen Hu, University of Wisconsin
           Lars Kai Hansen, Technical University of Denmark
           Soren Holdt Jensen, Aalborg University
           Matti Karjalainen, Helsinki University of Technology
           Shigeru Katagiri, ATR
           Aggelos Katsaggelos, Northwestern University
           Nick Kingsbury, Cambridge University
           S.Y. Kung, Princeton University
           C.C. Jay Kuo, University of Southern California
           Jan Larsen, Technical University of Denmark
           Chin-Hui Lee, Lucent Technologies
           Jose Moura, Carnegie Mellon University
           Ryohei Nakatsu, ATR
           Peter Noll, Technical University Berlin
           Antonio Ortega, University of Southern California
           Peter Pirsch, Technical University of Hannover
           Raja Rajasekaran, Texas Instrument
           Amy Reibman, AT&T Research
           Thomas Sikora, Heinrich Hertz Institut  
           Ming-Ting Sun, University of Washington
           Torbjorn Svendsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
           Murat Tekalp, University of Rochester
           Bruno Torresani, University of Marseille
           Martin Vetterli, EPFL
           Yao Wang, Polytechnic University
           Avideh Zakhor, UC Berkeley