                       CALL FOR PAPERS
              2000  International Workshop on
Multimedia Data Storage, Retrieval, Integration and Applications
                        13-15 January, 2000
       at the Center for Multimedia Signal Processing (CMSP)
        Department of Electronic & Information Engineering
          Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Digital signal, image, document, audio, graphics, and video have generally
been used separately in various areas for the past decades. With the recent
advances in computing power, it is feasible to integrate these different
data streams within a single platform to provide more comprehensive and
intuitive information for a broad range of applications. Multimedia
information technology is having a strong impact on modern life, and
changing our way of learning, thinking and planning. The workshop will
focus on Multimedia Data Storage, Retrieval, Integration and Applications,
and intends to bring a forum for people working in these areas. Tutorials
and Industrial demonstrations will be organized. Related research project
demonstrations will also be presented. Keynote lectures will be given by
the world prominent researchers: Professor Thomas S. Huang from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Dr. HongJiang Zhang from
Microsoft Research, China. A panel discussion on future directions will be
conducted at the end of this workshop.
Prospective authors are invited to propose papers in one or more, but not
restricted to, the technical areas listed below. Both demo proposals and
research paper proposals will be considered. Submissions should be directed
        MMWS2000, Centre for Multimedia Signal Processing
        Department of Electronic & Information Engineering
        The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Papers: Manuscripts should be prepared (5-8 pages) according to the
"Information for Authors" in "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing". Five
(5) copies of each manuscript should be submitted.
Demos: Prospective presenters should submit a short (no more than 2 pages)
description of the proposed demo. This description should include a list of
equipment needs. While we plan to provide Internet access to facilitate the
demos, presenters should plan on bringing their own equipment, or having
their demos run on standard systems (e.g. Windows or NT).
Publications: Accepted papers and demo proposals will be published in the
                            SCHEDULE (revised)
Submission of full Paper/Demo proposal          October 31, 1999 (received)
Notification of acceptance                      November 15, 1999 or earlier
Submission of photo-ready paper/proposal        December 1, 1999 (received)
                        PAPER CATEGORIES
1. Multimedia Data Storage
   Multimedia data compression and storage. Standards and Related Issues.
2. Multimedia Feature Extraction
   Primary perceptual features. Spatial and temporal features. Region, object
   and shot segmentation. High level descriptions.
3. Indexing and retrieval
   High dimensional indexing structure. Similarity search. Content-based image
   and video retrieval. Combination of content-based and semantic retrieval.
4. Multimedia Integration 
   Multimedia authoring and editing. Content preparation and presentation.
   Human computer interaction. Internet based multimedia systems.
   Videoconferencing. Collaborative environment and Virtual Reality.
5. Multimedia Applications
   Multimedia databases. Digital library. Video on demand. Media on demand.
   Education and Distant Learning. Applications in biomedicine. PACS system
   and Telemedicine. Tele-Shopping, etc.
                    Organizing Committee
General Chair: Professor WanChi Siu, HK Polytechinc University, Hong Kong
General Co-Chiar: Professor Thomas S. Huang, University of Illinois, USA
Technical Chair: Professor David Dagan Feng, HK Polytechinc University, Hong Kon
Technical Co-Chair: Professor Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia University, USA
Finance Chair and General Secretary: Daniel Pak-Kong Lun, HKPU, Hong Kong
Publicity and Publication Chair: Kenneth Lam, HK Polytechinc University,
Hong Kong
                International Program Committee:
Prof. Jing. Bai, Tsinghai University, China
Prof. Ewart R. Carson, City University, UK
Dr. C. F. Chan, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (full name)
Dr. S. C. Chan, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong (full name)
Prof. Claudio Cobelli, University of Padova, Italy
Prof. Joseph. J. DiStefano, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Bernie H. K. Huang, University of California, San Franscisco, USA
Prof. Henry S. C. Huang, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Jesse. S. Jin, University of New South Wales, Australia
Prof. Swamy Laxminarayan, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. W. H. Lau, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (full name)
Dr. F. H. F. Leung, Hong Kong Polytechnic university, Hong Kong (full name)
Dr. S. H. Leung, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (full name)
Dr. K. C. Lo, Hong Kong Polytechnic university, Hong Kong (full name)
Dr. L. M. Po, City University of Hong Kong,  Hong Kong (full name)
Prof. Guangyou Xu, Tsinghua University, China
Dr. HongJiang Zhang, Microsoft Research, China
Prof. RongChun Zhao, Northwestern Polytechnic University, China
Prof. YuZhuo Zhong, Tsinghua University, China
Prof. TianGe Zhuang, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China
                        ENQUIRY AND INFORMATION
               Watch this page for updates on the workshop:
Questions about the workshop can be directed to: mmws2000@eie.polyu.edu.hk
This workshop is also co-sponsered by
        IEEE Hong Kong Chapter of Signal Processing
        HKIE Biomedical Division
        International Federation of Automatic Contral (IFAC) TC-MC&BS