1st Call for Papers

                    24th Workshop of the

     "Applications of 3D-Imaging and Graph-based Modeling"

                 Villach, Carinthia, Austria
                      May 25 - 26, 2000

3-D digital imaging is among the fastest growing digital technologies. 
Important applications such as robotics, rapid product development, 
human modeling, medicine, virtual reality and scientific imaging 
attest the implications of research in this field. Graph-based methods 
have been recently used to address classical vision problems such as 
segmentation, stereo, and object recognition. The range of graph 
algorithms that have been used are also quite broad; recent examples 
include spectral methods, graph cuts and minimum spanning trees.
Topics (include, but are not limited to):

 3-D sensing methods
 Smart sensors, smart scanning
 Sensor calibration and accuracy
 View registration and integration
 3-D image understanding
 Object digitizing and modeling 
 Energy minimization
 Shape representation, matching, and object  recognition
 Segmentation, clustering and restoration
 Grouping and visual organization
 Texture recognition and mapping
 Multi-resolution 3-D representations
 Applications (industrial, biomedical, remote sensing, 
  entertainment, etc.)

Christian Menard                                     Robert Sablatnig
Verbundplan GmbH               Institute of Computer Aided Automation 
Consulting Engineers                          Pattern Recognition and 
Klagenfurt                                     Image Processing Group
                                      Vienna University of Technology 
Program Committee:

H. Bischof  (TU Vienna)               G. Paar (Joanneum Res. Graz)
W. Burger (FHS Hagenberg)             A. Pinz (TU Graz)
D. Chetverikov (Budapest)             V. Roberto (Univ. Udine)
V. Hlavac (TU Prague)                 E. Schuster (Univ. Vienna)
W. Kropatsch (TU Vienna)              R. Seywald (CTR Villach)
A. Leonardis  (Univ. Ljubljana)       M. Vincze (TU Vienna)

Local Organization:

Raimund Seywald (Chair)               Carmen Oberortner (CTR Villach)
CTR Carinthian Tech Research          Karin Hraby (TU Vienna)
Villach                               Michael Dangl (TU Vienna)

Paper Submission:

Prospective authors are invited to contribute to the workshop by 
submitting an extended sum-mary of no more than 4 pages including 
illustrations, results and references. Summaries longer than 4 pages 
will be rejected without review! Please use the AAPR-LaTeX style for 
document available at: ftp.prip.tuwien.ac.at/oeagm2000/tex/

In addition to the manuscript, the submission should include a summary 
page with title, author's name, affiliation and address, telephone, 
fax and e-mail, up to three keywords and answers to the following 
questions (please answer each separately):

1. What is the original contribution of this work?
2. Why should this contribution be considered important?
3. What is the most closely related work by others and how does 
   this work differ?
4. How can other researchers make use of the results of this work?
5. Has this work been presented/submitted elsewhere?
6. Which form of presentation is preferred: Oral or Poster? 

Please send 4 copies of your (printed) paper to the conference chair 
and assure the timely arrival:

Robert Sablatnig
Institute of Computer Aided Automation 
Vienna University of Technology 
Favoritenstr. 9/183-2
A-1040 Vienna, Austria 
e-mail: oeagm2000@prip.tuwien.ac.at

Submission may also be accomplished by: 
e-mail:  Compressed postscript file to
ftp:     ftp.prip.tuwien.ac.at  user:oeagm  passwd:2000  
         put .ps.Z/.ps.zip

Important Dates:

Submission of extended summaries:           February 13, 2000
Notification of Acceptance:                 March 19, 2000
Camera ready paper:                         April 23, 2000


Workshop proceedings will be published as a special volume of the 
"OCG Schriftenreihe" at R.Oldenbourg, Vienna. The proceedings will 
be available at the Workshop.

Best Paper Award:

A young researcher will be awarded for the best paper of the 
workshop. The award is funded by the AAPR.