                     C a l l  f o r  P a p e r s

                       Infotech Oulu Workshop on
                   Real-Time Image Sequence Analysis
                          Aug 31 - Sept 1, 2000
                              Oulu, Finland

An international workshop on Real-Time Image Sequence Analysis will be
arranged in Oulu, Finland, on August 31-September 1, 2000. Oulu is a
well-known high-technology city in Northern Finland, situated not far
from the Arctic Circle.

Image sequence analysis is an important research area. The areas of
application include content based retrieval, video coding, visual
surveillance, image guided minimally invasive surgery, industrial
metrology, etc. Despite many successes in the field, formidable
challenges remain.

The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for presenting recent
research results and for discussing how to support developing
applications. The program of the workshop includes invited presentations
by leading experts, contributed papers describing recent progress in
this field, and a panel on future research needs. The extended summaries
presented in the workshop proceedings are planned to be extended to full
papers and edited in a book or a special issue of a journal that will be
offered to international publishers.

Invited speakers:

     Prof. Larry Davis,              University of Maryland, USA
     Prof. Henrik I. Christensen,    The Royal Institute of
                                     Technology, Sweden
     Dr. James Rehg,                 Cambridge Research Laboratory,
                                     Compaq Computer Corporation, USA

Program Committee:

     Prof. Olli Silvén, Chairman     Prof. Matti Pietikäinen
     Prof. Moncef Gabbouj            Prof. Heikki Kälviäinen
     Prof. Juha Röning               Dr. Janne Heikkilä
     Dr. Kari Pulli

Organizing Committee:

     Dr. Janne Heikkilä, Chairman    Dr. Jukka Riekki
     Anu Angeria                     Minna Rautio


     Call for papers:                January 2000
     Deadline for extended summary
     (> 1000 words):                 April  1, 2000
     Notification of acceptance:     May 30, 2000
     Deadline for camera-ready copy: August 1, 2000

Authors are invited to submit four copies of an extended summary of at
least 1000 words to the chairman of the workshop:

     Professor Olli Silvén
     Dept. of Electrical Engineering
     P.O. Box 4500
     FIN-90014 University of Oulu

     Email: olli.silven@ee.oulu.fi
     Phone: +358 8 553 2788
     Fax: +358 8 553 2612

Guidelines for authors

Accepted papers are published in the workshop proceedings. Page
formatting instructions for the camera-ready copies will be available

Financial support
Some financial support for the non-resident participants presenting a
paper in the workshop is available on request, covering accommodation
expenses and the participation fee.

Workshop website: http://www.ee.oulu.fi/mvmp/risa2000/