           "Smart Graphics" AAAI 2000 Spring Symposium
            March 20th-22nd 2000, Stanford, CA, USA
               In Cooperation with Eurographics
                    CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS
Advances in the field of computer graphics  have made visual media
a major ingredient  of the modern interface and it is certain that
graphics  will  play an increasingly  important  role  in  the way
people communicate and interact with computers in the future.
Smart Graphics is the interdisciplinary  approach  to the  design,
generation,  presentation and interaction with 2D and 3D graphical
interfaces  in  a  manner  that  is  sensitive  to  technological,
computational  and  cognitive  constraints.  As  an  enterprise it
relies on the synthesis of insights from graphic design, cognitive
science,   human-computer  interaction,  graphics  and  artificial
intelligence, and the symposium aims to broker a multidisciplinary
dialogue between these communities.
Smart Graphics  aims  to  move beyond the current requirement that
designers anticipate every data,  task and technological scenario,
and  instead  allow  the  dynamic  generation  and presentation of
content  in  such  a  manner  that:  (1) engages  the  user and is
aesthetically satisfying;  (2) takes account of cognitive insights
as to the use of external representations, for example, minimizing
potential for imprecision and  ambiguity;  (3) is sensitive to the
real-time  demands  of  the  task  in  the  context  of  available
computational  resources;  and  (4) adapts the  form of the output
according to constraints placed on the  presentation by the nature
of the target media and available interaction devices.
An  extended  CFP  and  a detailed description of the scope of the
scope of the symposium can be found at the symposium home page:
Smart Graphics  research  can  be loosely divided into principles,
methods and  systems-based research,  and submissions in all these
areas are encouraged.  The symposium will be highly interactive in
character,  including a mixture of talks,  coordinated  discussion
and demonstrations.
There are 4 classes of submission:
-- Full presentation  (papers of 3000-5000 words)
-- Poster talk/presentation  (papers of 1000-2000 words)
-- System demonstration (a system description of 1000-2000 words)
-- Statement of interest (statements of less than 1000 words)
Since attendance at the symposium is by invitation and many of the
symposium  activities  will be based on preparations made prior to
the symposium, potential attendees must at the very least submit a
"statement of interest".  Submissions  should be either postscript
or html format and should be e-mailed to:
Andreas Butz (butz@cs.uni-sb.de)
...by 8 October 1999 (receipt will be confirmed by e-mail).
Andreas Butz (Saarbrücken) butz@cs.uni-sb.de
Antonio Krüger (Saarbrücken) krueger@dfki.uni-sb.de
Patrick Olivier (York) patrick@cs.york.ac.uk
Barbara Hayes-Roth (Stanford)
Steven Feiner (Columbia)
James Lester (NCSU)
John Maeda (MIT)
Joe Marks (MERL)
W. Bradford Paley (Digital Image Design)
Mike Scaife (Sussex)
Barbara Tversky (Stanford)