ICDAR 2001
 Sixth International Conference on
 Document Analysis and Recognition
 September 10-13, 2001
 Seattle, Washington, USA
This conference is an international forum for furthering the state of the art
in document recognition, understanding, management and retrieval, including
multimedia documents. It brings together both researchers and practitioners
from divergent fields such as Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine
Learning and Information Retrieval, to identify important problems, explore
novel applications and exchange ideas for developing robust solutions. 
There have been some requests for either researchers or companies to demo
their programs or systems at ICDAR 2001. Based on this request, space will be
set aside at the conference hotel and the demos will be advertised to
conference attendees.
Each commercial entity who wants to do a demo will be charged  $500 that must
be paid before the conference. There is no charge for an academic researcher
if the person is registered at the conference. The hotel will provide table
and power. The person doing the demo will supply their own PC or laptop.
Location and other details about the demos will be decided based on the number
of demos that are requested.
 If you are interested in doing a demo at ICDAR 2001, please contact 
 Elisa Barney Smith 
 ICDAR Home Page: http://isl.ee.washington.edu/IAPR/ICDAR01