Metrology-Based Control for Micro Manufacturing
Part of SPIE's International Symposium on
High-Power Lasers and Applications
20-26 January 2001, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California USA

Conference Chairs: Kenneth W. Tobin, Jr., Oak Ridge National Lab.; Fred
Lakhani, International SEMATECH
Program Committee: Marylyn H. Bennett, Texas Instruments Inc.; Ariel
Ben-Porath, Applied Materials (Israel); Edwin Dan Hirleman, Purdue
Christopher W. Long, International SEMATECH; Michael McIntyre, Advanced
Micro Devices (AMD); Glenn Medowski, IBM Corp.; Leonard Neiberg, Intel
Corp.; Hua Su, KLA-Tencor, Inc.; Wanda Tomlinson, IBM Corp.; Hank
Texas A&M Univ.; Fred Weck, Lucent Technologies

Increasing device complexity drives new methods and technologies to
characterize, analyze, and control device features and
manufacturing-induced defects.  Moreover, to be productive and
in a modern fabrication environment, large amounts of manufacturing data
must be collected, analyzed, and maintained.  This data is increasingly
being used to design new processes, control and maintain tools, and to
provide the information needed for rapid yield learning and prediction.

The emphasis of this conference is on photon, electron, ion-beam, x-ray,
and atomic force imaging technologies, image and data visualization and
analysis, and the application of this information to improved detection,
characterization, analysis, and control of both device features and
process-induced defects.  This conference brings together an
group of practitioners and researchers to share recent developments in
computer vision architectures, hardware, algorithms, imaging modalities,
and software for the metrology, inspection, and control of
manufacturing.  Papers emphasizing the integration of these systems into
the manufacturing infrastructure are especially welcome.  Papers are
solicited in four broad topical areas:

Research and Advances in Surface Measurements
*     optical microscopy
*     laser scattering (scatterometry)
*     confocal microscopy
*    scanning-electron microscopy (SEM)
*    atomic-force microscopy (AFM)
*      focused-ion beam (FIB) imaging
*     x-ray imaging
*     other surface characterization techniques (e.g., profilometry,
ellipsometry, laser speckle, etc.)

Image Processing for Metrology and Inspection,
*     critical-dimension metrology
*     overlay metrology
*      film-thickness metrology
*      computed tomography (e.g., electron beam, x-ray, etc.)
*      holographic techniques (e.g., electron beam, x-ray, etc.)
*      wafer / stage calibration and coordinate accuracy
*      defect localization and accurate segmentation
*      spatial clustering of defects
*      defect and signature-feature analysis
*      real-time computing and architectures
*      parallel- beam architectures

 Data Analysis and Automation, 
*      automatic defect classification (ADC)
*      automatic signature/cluster classification
*      supervised and unsupervised training and pattern recognition
*      data mining and visualization of multi-dimensional data
*      data-merging methods and technology (e.g., optical/SEM, SEM/FIB,
SEM/AFM, etc.)
*      content-based image retrieval
*     defect-to-fault and fault-to-defect mapping

Process Characterization, Control, and Prediction,
*     applications of image-derived information to yield learning
*      inference methods for defect source identification and mechanisms
*      yield-modeling, prediction, and analysis

Please note---All submissions will be peer reviewed, and abstracts must
be at least 500 words in length in order to receive full consideration.

Abstract Due Date:  26 June 2000
Final Summary Due Date:  20 November 2000
Manuscript Due Date:  18 December 2000

Submissions imply the intent of at least one author to register, attend
the symposium, and present the paper (either orally or in a poster

Your abstract must include the following information:

1. SUBMIT TO:  LA10, Tobin / Lakhani
Metrology-based Control for  Micro Manufacturing (LA10)
4. AUTHOR LISTING (Principal author first)
For all authors:  First (given) name (initials not acceptable), Last
(family) name, Affiliation, Mailing address, Telephone, Fax, and E-mail
Indicate your preference for "Oral Presentation" or "Poster
Presentation," Final placement is subject to chair's discretion
Approximately 500 words
List a maximum of five words
8. BRIEF BIOGRAPHY (Principal / presenting author)

If e-mailing your submission, please send each abstract separately to in ASCII text only.  IMPORTANT: To ensure receipt and
proper processing of your abstract, the Subjects line must include only
the following:

Subject: LA10, TOBIN / LAKHANI