Call for Demonstrations

ICCV'03 will host one demonstration session each day. These will feature
live demonstrations given by their developers, providing an opportunity
for practitioners and members of the computer vision research community to
present and exchange ideas in an interactive way. Each demonstration will
present all or part of a working computer vision system developed for
vision, graphics, or pattern recognition tasks.

We request proposals for demonstrations from anyone in the computer vision
community, including researchers from academic institutions and industry.
Proposals should be submitted before August 22, 2003, and acceptance will
be notified by September 13, 2003. An online proceedings will be made
available before the conference.

Submission Instructions

Please submit the following to Yoichi Sato (ysato @

  1.. Title
  2.. List of Authors
  3.. Contact information (name, e-mail, phone, fax)
  4.. Short description of demonstration (maximum 2 pages in PDF)
  5.. (optional) Video clips (MPEG or QuickTime) that support your
proposal. (Upon a request, an instruction for uploading movie files by ftp
will be provided.)
  6.. List of equipment provided by authors.
  7.. Approximate size of space needed for demonstration
  8.. Any special needs (heavy equipment, unusually large electricity or
internet usage, etc).  The conference site will have internet connection
(wired & most likely wireless, too), so demonstrators can take advantage
of that. We also suggest that participants bring a poster to the session
to support their demonstration.

Please note that at least one of the demonstrators will be required to
register for the main conference (see conference site for details).

Important Dates

      Proposal submission deadline
     August 22, 2003
      Notification of acceptance
     September 13, 2003


All inquiries regarding technical demonstration at ICCV 2003 should be
sent to ICCV 2003 Demo Chairs.

Zhengyou Zhang (zhang @ Yoichi Sato (ysato @