                      CALL FOR PAPERS - ISPA 2003
     3rd Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis
                   September 18-20, 2003, Rome, Italy

ISPA 2003 is an international symposium in the field of image, video, 
and signal processing and analysis. It is our pleasure to invite you 
to participate in the 3rd ISPA to be organized in Rome, Italy. 
ISPA'03 is co-sponsored by EURASIP, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 
and by IEEE Region 8. The scientific program of the symposium will 
consist of lectures presented by invited speakers and contributed 
papers. The aim of the symposium is to foster interaction of researchers 
and exchange of new ideas.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

o image and video processing
o computer and machine vision
o biomedical imaging and image analysis
o image and video coding
o pattern recognition
o knowledge-based vision
o multimedia systems and databases
o visualization techniques
o remote sensing and GIS
o image scanning and printing
o content-based image retrieval
o image processing applications

o digital filter design and structures     
o analog signal processing and circuits
o multirate filtering and wavelets 
o adaptive signal processing               
o spectral analysis 
o blind separation of signals
o radar and sonar signal processing        
o speech coding and processing 
o DSP in communications
o speech analysis and synthesis
o array signal processing
o hardware architectures and implementations
o signal processing applications 
o signal processing applications 

Final (camera-ready) papers:  February 1, 2003
Notification of acceptance:   April 15, 2003
Submission of final papers:   May 15, 2003

Please visit http://www.isispa.org for full information
about the symposium, including the Call for Papers.
We look forward to welcome you in Rome for ISPA 2003.

Alessandro Neri, General Co-Chair, neri@ele.uniroma3.it
Hrvoje Babic, General Co-Chair, hrvoje.babic@fer.hr
Sven Loncaric, Program Chair, sven.loncaric@ieee.org