************************* CALL FOR PAPERS **************************** Workshop on Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation MEDGEC 2005 to be held as part of the 2005 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (GECCO-2005) June 25-29, 2005 (Saturday-Wednesday) Loew's L'Enfant Plaza Hotel Washington, DC, USA www.isgec.org/GECCO-2005 Organized by ACM SIG-EVO MedGEC is the GECCO Workshop on the application of genetic and evolutionary computation (GEC) to problems in medicine and healthcare. Subjects will include (but are not limited to) applications of GEC to: Medical imaging Medical signal processing Clinical diagnosis and therapy Data mining medical data and records Clinical expert systems Modelling and simulation of medical processes A dedicated workshop at GECCO provides a much needed focus for medical related applications of EC, not only providing a clear definition of the state of the art, but also support to practitioners for whom GEC might not be their main area of expertise or experience. The Workshop has two main aims: - to provide delegates with examples of the current state of the art of applications of GEC to medicine. - to provide a forum in which researchers can discuss and exchange ideas, support and advise each other in theory and practice. GECCO is widely regarded to be the most authoritative conference in GEC and, as such, offers the ideal venue for this important and growing community. PAPER SUBMISSION Important dates: Paper submission deadline: 14 March, 2005 Notification of acceptance: 8 April, 2005 Camera-ready copy deadline: 22 April, 2005 Workshop: 25-26 June, 2005 Papers should be submitted in PDF format, as an email attachment, directly to medgec@ohm.york.ac.uk by the above deadline. Accepted papers will be included on the GECCO Workshop CD which will be available to all GECCO attendees. Papers should be no longer than 10 pages in length and formatted for 8-1/2" x 11" US letter paper. Authors should follow formating instructions issued by Springer for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Proceedings, available by following this link (http://www.springeronline.com/).