P h o t o g r a m m t r i c C o m p u t e r V i s i o n ( P C V ' 0 6 ) Call for papers B o n n , G e r m a n y 1 9 . - 2 2 . S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 6 Organizer: ---------- Institute for Photogrammtry, Bonn University German Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing General Chair: Wolfgang Förstner, Bonn, Germany Co-Chair: Helmut Mayer, Munich, Germany Local Organization: Karl-Heiko Ellenbeck, Bonn, Germany Topics: ------- The goal of the work in Commission III is the design, development and evaluation of mathematical models and methods for automatic orientation and calibration of images, surface reconstruction, fusion of multi-modal data, processing and interpretation of laser range data, interpretation of images and image sequence analysis with the emphasis on integration of geometry, statistics and semantics, modeling of spatial objects and temporal events, modeling context, scale behaviour of appearance models, use of graphical models, especially Markov random fields and Bayesian networks. - Algorithms for geometric analysis of image data including SAR, IFSAR, and LIDAR - Autonomous camera orientation and calibration - Methods for image sequence analysis - Processing of point clouds from laser and stereo-image-sensors - Automatic generation of 3D-object models - Object detection, recognition, identification, and reconstruction - Ontologies, spatial information systems, and object models for object recognition - Methodologies for information fusion - Statistical Models and Visual Learning - Modelling and acquisition of buildings, roads, and vegetation from images - Methods for traffic monitoring - Performance of image analysis algorithms Program Committee ----------------- - Claus Brenner, Germany - Norbert Haala, Germany - Olaf Hellwich, Germany - Juha Hyppää, Finland - Theo Moons, Belgium - Ilkka Niini, Finland - David Nister, USA - Marc Pollefeys, USA - Camillo Ressl, Austria - Franz Rottensteiner, Australia - Daniel Scharstein, USA - Uwe Stilla, Germany - Peter Sturm, France - George Vosselman, The Netherlands - Chunsun Zhang, Australia Important Dates --------------- 27. 03. 2006 full paper deadline 29. 05. 2006 comments of double blind reviews sent to authors 16. 06. 2006 comments of authors sent to PC 03. 07. 2006 notification of authors 31. 07. 2006 final manuscript due for more details: http://www.ipb.uni-bonn.de/isprs/pcv06/index.html -------------------------------------------------------------------