Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the agenda for the SEA '06 Workshop on Stochastic Eigen-Analysis and Its Applications at MIT from July 10 - 14, 2006. The goal of this workshop, hosted by the Department of Mathmatics and co-sponsored by Profs. Arthur Baggeroer and Alan Edelman, is to showcase the mathmatics of random matrices and the applications that it has inspired. A highlight of this conference is a focus on signal processing and statistical applications. These talks will be held in the first two days of the workshop to accomodate those attending SAM 2006. The Schedule and Abstracts are placed under the Agenda section of the web site ( ). They may be directly downloaded from the url: We request out-of-state attendees to indicate their participation by emailing . This will greatly aid in planning the logistics. We look forward to welcoming you in July. Regards, N. Raj Rao