Special issue of Pattern Recognition on Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Techniques for the Detection of Cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of death for both men and women in the world, and is expected to become the leading cause of death in the next few decades. The detection of cancer has become significant areas of research activity in the image processing and pattern recognition community. Modern imaging technology has already had lifesaving effects on our ability to detect cancer early and diagnose the disease more accurately. However, in order to improve further the efficiency and veracity of diagnoses and treatment, image processing and pattern recognition technologies have been widely applied to analysis and recognition of cancer, evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, and prediction of the development of cancer. The aim of this special issue is to bring together researchers working on image processing and pattern recognition techniques for the detection of cancer, and to promote research in image processing and pattern recognition for oncology. Papers are solicited for the special issue in the following specific area: Segmentation and feature extraction techniques for quantitative analysis of cancer cells and tumors. Manuscripts should conform to the standard guidelines of Pattern Recognition. Instructions for formatting papers can be found in the Guide for authors at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/328/authorinstructions Prospective authors should submit an electronic file of their complete manuscript online via the electronic Elsevier system (EES) at http://ees.elsevier.com/pr/ . or E-mail the papes to Dr. Jinshan Tang at mailto:jtang@alcorn.edu All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. IMPORTANT DATES: Full paper due: Dec. 1, 2007 First notification:Feb. 1, 2008 Revised manuscript (for second review) due:March 15, 2008 Acceptance Notification :April 15, 2008 Final manuscript due:May 15, 2008 Publication of the special issue: Dec. 2008 GUEST Editors: Dr. Jinshan Tang, Image processing and Bio-imaging Research Laboratory, System Research Institute, Alcorn State University, MS, USA mailto:jtang@alcorn.edu Dr. Raj Rangayyan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada mailto:ranga@enel.ucalgary.ca Dr. Jianhua Yao, Diagnostic Radiology Department, Clinical Center, National Institute of Health, MD,USA mailto:JYao@cc.nih.gov Dr. Yongyi Yang, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA mailto:yy@ece.iit.edu