Call for Demos Face and gesture Recognition 2008 will host demonstrations, with the purpose of allowing the participants to the conference to demonstrate 'live' their contributions. The demonstrations are not limited to contributions that are associated with papers that appear in the main conference or in one the workshops. We actively encourage the demonstration of scientific contributions that have been or will be presented in previous FG conferences or in other venues, as long as they fall within the context of the conference. In case that there are more applications than available space, the time of submission and the overall application will be taken into consideration. The conference also reserves the right to select demonstrations based on the degree of appropriateness for Face and Gesture Recognition. In addition, the prospective presenters are strongly encouraged to submit supporting material, such as video, that illustrates the proposed demonstration. Note that it is required that at least one presenter is registered in the conference. By default, the conference will provide a table and two chairs for each demo. If you have special requirements please contact directly the demo chair Ioannis Patras ( Submission Prospective participants should submit a (max) 2-page extended abstract that gives a technical description of the proposed demo. The format of the extended abstract should follow the format of the articles of the main conference (described here) with the difference that the authors should be mentioned. The description should make clear what the interactive/live elements of the demonstration are. · To submit please create an account at (if you have not already done so) and follow the appropriate link after logging in. · If you wish to submit related supplementary material (videos etc.) please contact the webmaster ( For further information about the demonstrations, please contact Ioannis Patras ( Important dates Submission deadline: June 10 (extended) Notification of acceptance: June 15 Final submission: July 1