Call for Papers CASA Workshop on 3D Advanced Media In Gaming And Simulation (3AMIGAS) 16 June 2009, Amsterdam, the Netherlands submission deadline: 24 March 2009 in conjunction with the 22nd Annual Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA) ================================================================= *Description* This workshop is about the creation and use of advanced 3D media in gaming and simulation. Simulations and games take place in virtual worlds. Such worlds can either be models of existing environments or can be fictitious. They can have a very realistic look-and-feel or they can be imaginary. To create adaptive game play and simulations, dynamic world models are required that can automatically be adapted to changing requirements. Virtual worlds are inhabited by virtual characters. These characters must behave in natural ways, based on the way they sense their environment and based on their own internal emotional state and relations to other characters. The virtual characters should be able to adapt to the situation at hand. They should react and plan their actions, and smart objects should react to interaction. In augmented worlds, natural navigation and interaction is a real challenge due to limitations in multimodal control and feedback technology and due to limitations in the understanding and true-to-life modeling. Traditional interfaces are generally not natural and demand substantial cognitive resources. All these issues are aspects of advanced 3D media. The event is organized and sponsored by the NWO/ICT-Regie project GATE, and the EU FP7 IST project FOCUS K3D. Autors are invited to submit a paper of 6-10 pages to, in the short paper format of CASA, see Topics include, but are not limited to: * Navigation in games and simulations * Smart objects * Formalization and representation of shape semantics * Virtual characters * Content-based 3D retrieval and classification * Automatic creation of imaginary worlds * Semantics-driven 3D visualization * 3D media ontologies * Automatic world generation based on real data * Semantics-based 3D modelling * Interaction in 3D worlds At the workshop there will be a presentation about the results of a survey of the use of knowledge intensive 3D media in Gaming and Simulation. All contributions will be reviewed by the program committee and the accepted ones will be presented during the workshop. The papers will be made available in an own workshop proceedings (with ISBN number), separate from the CASA proceedings. We will seek opportunities to publish the best papers for a journal special issue. Authors are free to publish their paper themselves. *Important dates* Submissions: 24 March 2009 Notifications: 24 April 2009 Camera-ready: 10 May 2009 Workshop: 16 June 2009 *Location* The workshop is held on 16 June in conjunction with the 22nd Annual Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA), Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The 3AMIGAS workshop will take place at the Trippenhuis (the same location as the CASA conference). See the CASA website for travel and lodging information *Registration* Participation is free of charge. Workshop participants must register at the workshop website *Workshop Chairs* Arjan Egges, Wolfgang Huerst, Remco Veltkamp (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) *Program committee* Rafael Bidarra, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Catherine Houstis, CERETETH, Greece Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, University of Geneva, Switzerland Michela Mortara, CNR-IMATI, Italy Roland Geraerts, Utrecht University Stijn Oomes, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Pietro Pala, University of Florence Laura Papaleo, Univ. Genoa, Italy Quak Ewald, SINTEF, Norway Patrick Salamin, EPFL, Switzerland Michela Spagnuolo, CNR-IMATI, Italy Andre Stork, Fraunhofer, Gemany Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland Stephane Marchand Maillet, University of Geneva, Switzerland