Call for Demonstrations – IWITMA 2010 A demo session will be organized along with the 2nd International Workshop on IPTV Technologies and Multidisciplinary Applications (IWITMA) to be held in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2010). This session encourages proposals for demonstrations from anyone in the IPTV community, including researchers, academic institutions, research labs, and IPTV companies to present contributions which are especially relevant to the IPTV industry. A demo proposal should contain sufficient technical content of your research. Contributions concerning (amongst others) IPTV areas like live demos, business cases, market insights, innovation, case studies, etc., are welcome. All submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure quality and suitability. Please submit a 2-page demo proposal in standard IEEE format ( The contribution should include a short author bio & company info (together 1/3 of one page) and a free interpretation of a paper elevator pitch to advertise the content of the talk. Visually compelling submissions are highly appreciated. Additionally, supplementary materials can be sent after demo proposal had been successfully submitted. Participants of accepted proposals are required to register for the conference. Demonstrators are required to bring their own computing equipment and any additional network, display, sensor, etc. hardware needed for the demonstration. After acceptance, demos will be announced within the workshop program and the workshop web site. At the demo session, each demo will have a talk slot of 20 minutes with time for questions after presentation. Important Dates • April 30, 2010: Demo proposals • May 10, 2010: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection Demo submissions for the workshop should be submitted by e-mail to the Workshop Chair, Dr. Oscar Martinez Bonastre (E-mail: For additional information regarding the demonstration sessions, please visit website: or contact with Workshop Chair.