------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ------------------- MEDIA RETARGETING WORKSHOP in conjunction with ECCV 2010, September 10, Crete, Greece http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/MRW2010 OVERVIEW Media retargeting is the process of adapting media content such as images or video to the characteristics of different output devices. Media retargeting has received considerable attention in computer vision and graphics research in the recent years due to the growing variability in capture devices and displays (small displays in mobile devices, large high resolution displays in home cinema systems) and the availability of huge amounts of image and video data. Besides converting video between different display sizes, the spectrum of problems related to media retargeting also comprises issues such as color adaptation between different dynamic ranges, or the automatic conversion of 2D to 3D footage for upcoming stereoscopic consumer display devices. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from all areas of computer vision, machine learning, and computer graphics, and to stimulate the discussion about shared concepts and recent progress on topics ranging from perceptual content analysis over efficient optimization algorithms for retargeting to systematic evaluation of already existing techniques. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION We invite high quality, original submissions for presentation during the workshop. Contributions from the following areas are especially welcome: * video or image retargeting of aspect ratio and resolution * color retargeting between low and high dynamic ranges * visual saliency estimation * attention estimation and perceptual metrics * temporal retargeting and content summarization * retargeting of stereoscopic content * monocular video to stereo conversion * relevant optimization techniques * systematic evaluation and user studies of relevant methods * perceptual studies of retargeting results * multi-modal retargeting (e.g. video and sound) DATES * Full paper submission: June 16, 2010 * Notification of acceptance: July 9, 2010 * Camera ready version of accepted papers: July 13, 2010 KEYNOTE SPEAKER * Ariel Shamir, Efi Arazi School of Computer Science, Herzliya ORGANIZERS * Thomas Deselaers, ETH Zurich * Alexander Hornung, Disney Research Zurich * Olga Sorkine, New York University