Call for Participation ACM Multimedia 2011 Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. Nov.28-Dec.1, 2011 *Program* ACM Multimedia, the worldwide premier multimedia conference, has an exciting 2011 program that includes: - 9 half-day tutorials - 3 keynotes: -- "U are happy life": telling the future's stories", Genevieve Bell, Intel Fellow, Director, Interaction and Experience Research -- "Honest Signals: How social networks shape human behavior", Alex Pentland, MIT Human Dynamics Lab -- "Digital Media Distribution - the Future", Arnaud Robert, The Walt Disney Company - Research presentations - Plenary poster sessions - 11 technical workshops - 1 women mentoring workshop - 1 doctoral symposium - 3 thought-provoking panels - An open-source software program - The industry-inspired Multimedia Grand Challenge competition - Technical and industrial demonstrations Sponsors: ACM SIGMM, ASU, FXPAL, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Springer, Technicolor, UTD Supporter: NSF *Registration* ACM Multimedia 2011 adopts an "all-in-one" registration fee, which will cover your attendance to all MM'11 events, including all tutorials and workshops. Author registration (deadline: Sept. 15) Early registration (deadline: Oct. 28) ACM/SIG Members: $745 Non-ACM/SIG Members: $895 Students: $250 Late/onsite registration: ACM/SIG Members: $845 Non-ACM/SIG Members: $995 Students: $300 *Venue* Phoenix is a tourist landmark and has therefore a large offer of hotels in any categories. However, due to the fact that several events can run concurrently in the majority of the year, booking in advance is strongly suggested. Rooms have been reserved for the ACM Multimedia 2011 attendees in selected hotel: Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort and Spa at Gainey Ranch 7500 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85258, USA The special ACM Multimedia 2011 rate for the conference hotel is $195 + applicable state and local taxes. This rate also includes complimentary guestroom Internet. In addition, the Resort Services Program fee, which is $20 per room per day, is also waived. The rooms blocked at this special rate will be available on a first come first served basis.