Workshop Announcement IEEE Color and Photometry in Computer Vision Workshop (CPCV2011) Barcelona, Spain, in conjunction with ICCV 2011. 12 November 2011 Submission Date: 7 July 2011 Web: We are soliciting original contributions that address a wide range of theoretical and application issues including: - Theory: Color spaces, reflection models, scattering models, light transport, multi-spectral, hyper-spectral, and polarization models, appearance analysis, color appearance models. - Sensors: Imaging systems, active illumination systems, spectrum and polarization sensing, light probes, shape and material scanners, radiometric and colorimetric calibration. - Image/Video Processing: Filtering, enhancement, feature detection, and segmentation informed by color and/or photometry; white balance; relighting, image decomposition via intrinsic images, specularity removal, and shadow removal, color texture, colorization. - Material, Object, Scene, and Video Recognition: Photometric invariants, color invariants, material recognition, lighting estimation, shape estimation, color saliency, color constancy, color descriptors and matching. - Vision Science: Material perception, shape perception, lighting perception, lightness and color perception. - Applications: Industrial inspection, human computer interaction, navigation, medical diagnosis, biology and biomedicine.