There will be a PAMI-TC meeting at ICCV 2011 Date: Nov 8, 2011 (Wednesday) Time: 8pm to 10:00pm Below is a tentative agenda. Please join the linkedin PAMI-TC group for updated agenda and to join discussions. Call to order at 8:00 pm 1. Approval of agenda 2. Minutes from last meeting at CVPR 2011 (available at 3. PAMI-TC budget for 2011 4. Updates from ICCV 2011, ICCV 2013, CVPR 2012, CVPR 2013, CVPR 2014, WACV 2012, AVSS 2012, ICCP 2012 5. Update from T-PAMI EIC. 6. ICCV 2015 – voting. We have two proposals to choose from: Santiago, Chile or Hawaii, USA Proposals are available at 7. ICCV endorsement of the following motion that was passed at CVPR 2010. “Future major conference bids will be due at least one month before the PAMI-TC meeting where they will be voted upon. No bids, including floor bids, will be accepted after the due date. If no bids are received by due date, the PAMI-TC Conference Committee will constitute a bid that will be voted upon at the TC meeting. If only one bid is received by due date, the conference committee has the discretion to put together an alternate bid.” 8. Permission to expand TC Conference Committee: The current size of the conference committee is six, which was okay when we were about half the size we are now. Past year has placed great demands on their times and they have also stepped up to lead future conferences. We need a larger team. Also, the demographics of computer vision researchers have changed significantly in the past decade to include more international dimension. Motion: The PAMI-TC Conference committee is increased from six members to twelve members to include more international representation and gender diversity. These members should be chosen from willing General Chairs from past or future approved ICCV or CVPR conferences. 9. We have drafts of the charters for ICCV and CVPR from 2001 that were never updated, nor were they put up for voting. The charters are at We will NOT be voting on the existing charters at this time, but start the process of revising it. We have seen many issues arise in the past year that could have been easily solved if only we had a charter for these major conferences. Motion: The PAMI-TC Conference Committee is charged with creating a revised draft for the CVPR and ICCV charters to be presented at the CVPR-2011 and ICCV-2013 meetings for voting. 10. The following motion was adopted at the meeting at CVPR 2011. It needs to be approved for ICCV too. “For each CVPR and ICCV, the general chairs shall present a brief financial summary at the PAMI-TC meeting. The summary shall specify how much income is generated for each financial sponsor, on an absolute and per-attendee basis, and what the financial sponsors provide to justify this income. Conference proposals will provide approximate numbers, with an update presented the year before the meeting and the year of the meeting, and with final numbers due a year after the meeting.” 11. Report from Sponsorship Ad-Hoc committee. The report is available at At the PAMI-TC meeting at CVPR 2011, a committee was asked to produce an analysis of the costs and benefits of future relations between the computer vision community at CVPR and the IEEE computer society. The TPAMI-TC vote clearly intended this analysis to be relevant to ICCV as well. The charge to the committee read: “The PAMI-TC hereby appoints a committee to investigate sponsorship options for CVPR, ICCV and TPAMI, and to provide a cost/benefit analysis of all viable alternatives. The committee will distribute their report by email to all PAMI-TC members.” The committee was explicitly not tasked to make recommendations. Members of this committee were: D. Forsyth (chair), T. Boult, R. Chellappa, D. Huttenlocher, D. Kriegman, Y. LeCun, S. Sarkar, L. Shapiro, Y. Weiss, R. Zabih. Motion: The PAMI-TC, at the ICCV 2011 meeting, endorses the report of the Sponsorship Committee created at CVPR 2011. Depending on the outcome of the above motion, there might be following motions about adopting one of the options discussed in the report. 12. New Business 13. Meeting adjourned at 10pm