There will be a PAMI-TC meeting at CVPR 2011 Date: June 21, 2011 (Tuesday) Time: 7:30pm to 10:00pm Venue: Ballroom 1 Below is a tentative agenda 1. Call to order at 7:30pm 2. Approval of agenda 3. Minutes from last meeting at CVPR 2010 (San Francisco) 4. PAMI-TC budget for 2011 5. Updates from ICCV 2011, CVPR 2012, AIPR 2011, WACV 2012, ICCV 2013 6. Discussion of dual submission policy (Serge Belongie) 7. CVPR 2014 proposal and vote 8. Election of next PAMI-TC Chair (chaired by Gerard Medioni) 9. Update from T-PAMI EIC. 10. Update from CVPR 2011 11. Discussion of alternative sponsorship models for future PAMI-TC conferences. Background: CVPR has historically been 100% sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society. Changing sponsorship has been discussed from time to time for many years, but for CVPR11 there were major problems (see the chair message included in the CVPR11 proceedings, also available at As a result the following motions will be put to a vote at the CVPR11 PAMI-TC meeting on June 21. These motions arose from discussions within the following group, which includes the PAMI-TC steering and conference committees. Everyone involved supports this overall direction, without necessarily favoring these motions precisely as drafted below. Terry Boult, Kim Boyer, Rama Chellappa, Larry Davis, Charles Dyer, David Forsyth, Dan Huttenlocher, Rangachar Kasturi, David Kriegman, Jitendra Malik, Takashi Matsuyama, Gerard Medioni, Bryan Morse, Shmuel Peleg, Sudeep Sarkar, Baba Vemuri, Ramin Zabih Motion 1. (Financial sponsorship reporting) For each CVPR and ICCV, the general chairs shall present a brief financial summary at the PAMI-TC meeting. The summary shall specify how much income is generated for each financial sponsor, on an absolute and per-attendee basis, and what the financial sponsors provide to justify this income. Conference proposals will provide approximate numbers, with an update presented the year before the meeting and the year of the meeting, and with final numbers due a year after the meeting. Motion 2. (Sponsorship committee) The PAMI-TC hereby appoints a committee to investigate sponsorship options for CVPR, ICCV and TPAMI, and to provide a cost/benefit analysis of all viable alternatives. The committee will distribute their report by email to all PAMI-TC members. Motion 3. (Committee membership) The sponsorship committee will be chaired by D. Forsyth and consist of T. Boult, R. Chellappa, D. Huttenlocher, D. Kriegman, S. Sarkar, Y. Weiss and R. Zabih. The committee shall also invite others to serve in order to ensure that the membership is representative of the whole vision community. Motion 4 (Allow e-voting) The PAMI-TC hereby approves e-voting. Those eligible to vote will be anyone who is an IEEE-CS member and has attended a PAMI-TC conference in the previous 24 months, or who subscribes to TPAMI and requests e-voting rights. Motions can be presented for an e-vote upon the recommendation of the PAMI-TC steering committee. Separate e-votes for CVPR- or ICCV-specific issues can draw on subsets of the list based on their attendance. Motion 5 (Action on change of sponsorship) Following the report of the sponsorship committee, the PAMI-TC steering committee will present one or more options for a approval by e-vote. Motion 5A: The e-vote will be held after ICCV11, with the options presented at the ICCV11 PAMI-TC meeting. Motion 5B: The e-vote will be held after CVPR12, with the options presented at the ICCV11 and CVPR12 PAMI-TC meetings. 12. Meeting adjourned at 10pm ---------------------------------------------------