IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Call for Expert Talks on Innovating the Future Leveraging the Past (Time Machine Session) 9th-13th July, 2012, Melbourne, Australia Multimedia research is moving ahead in leaps and bounds. In order to pursue the most innovative and productive paths forward, we need an in-depth understanding of where we have already been. The Time Machine Session at the ICME 2012 is dedicated to the principle of improving the future by leveraging valuable insights from the past. The session will consist of a series of expert talks that re-introduce ideas that were published "before their time" and, as a result, were never fully exploited. A "Time Machine Topic" is distinguished by the fact that subsequent technological and social developments have led to a renewal of its relevance, making it currently of critical interest and value to the multimedia research community. A Time Machine Talk covers not only the original idea, but also explains why it currently de-serves renewed attention and how it can influence the future of multimedia research. We invite the submission of proposals for oral presentations in the ICME 2012 Time Machine Session. Time Machine Talks should reflect expert-level understanding of the technological and social develop-ments that have taken place in the field of multimedia and have brought about renewed relevance of past concepts. These developments include, but are not limited to: o Expansion in the volume, diversity and sources of multimedia content o Increase in the size, speed and sophistication of distribution networks o Improvement of computing infrastructures in terms of processing, storage and distribution, o Growth of the variety and capacity of user end devices o Development of user expectations for new multimedia applications In sum, the goals of the Time Machine Session are to stimulate the creative thinking of today's multimedia researchers and to maintain the breadth of the solution space in which we develop new algorithms and approaches. Additionally, we believe that Time Machine Talks can help streamline and defragment the innovation process, by encouraging reproduction and reducing redundancy. Finally, we hope that the Time Machine Session will stimulate interesting and productive discussion in the community. Selection From the pool of submissions, a panel will make a selection of talks for presentation at the Time Machine Session. The decision will be made on using the following criteria: o Renewed relevance of the idea for today's multimedia researchers and research domains as set out in the general ICME 2012 CFP o Scope of the potential impact of the re-introduction of the idea on innovation in the multime-dia research community o Importance of re-introduction of the idea to prevent the community from wasting time by "reinventing the wheel" o Presentation of the idea i.e., compelling argumentation and engaging presentation style Submission Format The submission consists of three parts: 1. The reference (i.e., bibliographic citation) of the paper that originally introduced the idea (pub-lished at least five years ago and still publicly available), 2. A three minute video summarizing the idea and explaining why at the present moment its time is finally ripe, 3. A 300-400 word abstract to accompany the Time Machine Talk in the ICME 2012 program. Note that the person submitting the proposal does not necessarily need to be one of the authors of the original paper. The submissions email (as well as any questions on the Time Machine Session or the submission process) should be sent to the ICME 2012 Innovation and Demo Chairs: Martha Larson (m.a.larson [at] and Mercan Topkara (mtopkara [at] Upon Acceptance Speakers for all accepted submissions will be required to sign a commitment to present at the conference within 30 days of notification. Important Dates: o Submission of Proposals Due: 5th March, 2012 o Notification of Decision: 26th March, 2012 o ICME 2012 in Melbourne, Australia: 9th – 13th July, 2012 Innovation and Demo Co-Chairs: Martha Larson (m.a.larson [at], Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Mercan Topkara (mtopkara [at], IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA Main conference email: Main conference website: