======================================================================= ======================================================================= ICMI 2012: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 2012 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2012) October 22nd-26th, 2012 Santa Monica, California, USA http://www.acm.org/icmi/2012 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= 1. ICMI 2012: CALL FOR PAPERS 2. ICMI 2012: CALL FOR MULTIMODAL GRAND CHALLENGES 3. ICMI 2012: CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS 4. ICMI 2012: CALL FOR WORKSHOPS 5. ICMI 2012: CALL FOR DEMONSTRATIONS AND EXHIBITS 6. ICMI 2012: ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ICMI 2012: CALL FOR PAPERS ======================================================================= The International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2012, will take place in Santa Monica, California (USA), October 22nd-26th, 2012. ICMI is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human, human-robot, and human-computer interaction, interfaces, and system development. The conference focuses on theoretical and empirical foundations, component technologies, and combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and system development. ICMI 2012 will feature a single-track main conference which includes: keynote speakers, technical full and short papers (including oral and poster presentations), special sessions, demonstrations, exhibits and doctoral spotlight papers. The conference will be followed by workshops. The proceedings of ICMI 2012 will be published by ACM as part of their series of International Conference Proceedings. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: * Multimodal Interaction Processing Machine learning, pattern recognition and signal processing approaches for the analysis and modeling of multimodal interaction between people and among the different modalities within people; adaptation and multimodal input fusion and output generation, addressing any combination of: vision, gaze, audio, speech, smell/olfaction, taste, gestures, e-pen, haptic and tangible, bio-signals such as brain, skin conductivity, etc. * Interactive systems and applications Mobile and ubiquitous systems, automotive and navigation systems, human-robot and human-virtual agent interaction, virtual and augmented reality, education, authoring, entertainment, gaming, telepresence, assistive and prosthetic systems, brain-computer interfaces, universal access, healthcare, biometry, intelligent environments, meeting analysis and meeting spaces, indexing, retrieval and summarization, etc. * Modeling human communication patterns The modalities and the applications named above lead to a need for multimodal models of human-human and human-machine communication, including verbal and nonverbal interaction, affordances of different modalities, multimodal discourse and dialogue modeling, modeling of culture as it pertains to multimodality, long-term multimodal interaction, multimodality in social and affective interaction, multimodal social signal processing, and technical approaches for enabling autonomous robots to robustly interact with human partners. * Data, evaluation and standards for Multimodal Interactive systems Design issues, principles and best practices, and authoring techniques for human-machine interfaces using any combinations of input and/or output multiple modalities. Architectures; assessment techniques and methodologies; corpora; annotation and browsing of multimodal interactive data; W3C and other standards for multimodal interaction and interfaces, evaluation techniques for multimodal systems. Submissions in these areas are invited for workshop topics, special session topics, full papers, short papers, demos, and for the doctoral consortium. Important Dates: Grand challenge proposals due: December 22nd, 2011 Workshop proposals due: March 1st, 2012 Special session proposals due: March 7th, 2012 Main conference paper submission: May 4th, 2012 Demo proposals due: June 22nd, 2012 Main conference author notification: July 23rd, 2012 Camera-ready copy (long, short, demo): August 20th, 2012 Exhibit proposals due: September 26th, 2012 Main Conference: October 23rd-25th, 2012 Workshops: October 22nd,26th, 2012 Full papers, short papers, and doctoral consortium papers should be submitted through the ICMI 2012 website at: http://www.acm.org/icmi/2012 --> SUBMISSION For details on submission of Multimodal Grand Challenges, Special Sessions, Workshop proposals, Demonstrations and Exhibits please see the specific calls for participation below. FURTHER INFORMATION: For up-to-date information on the technical and social program for practical arrangements, please visit the conference website. http://www.acm.org/icmi/2012 ====================================================================== ICMI 2012: CALL FOR MULTIMODAL GRAND CHALLENGES ====================================================================== Multimodal technologies are fundamentally changing the ways people interact with each other and with computers. Multimodal systems - that recognize language and nonverbal behavior exchanged among people or as input to interfaces in physical environments or mobile devices - or that generate multimodal behaviors - may facilitate and enrich social interactions and allow people to naturally interact with computer systems with minimal training, for domains such as communications, education, entertainment, and robotics. Developing systems that can robustly understand human-human communication or respond to human input requires identifying the best algorithms and their failure modes. In fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, and computational linguistics, the availability of datasets and common tasks have led to great progress. We invite the ICMI community to collectively define and tackle the scientific Grand Challenges in our domain for the next 5 years. Multimodal Grand Challenges are driven by ideas that are bold, innovative, and inclusive. They should inspire new ideas in the ICMI community and create momentum for future collaborative work. Analysis, synthesis, and interactive tasks are all possible. We are seeking organizers to propose and run Grand Challenge events. Both academic and corporate organizers are welcome. We are looking for three types of challenges: * Dataset-driven challenge: This challenge will provide a dataset that is exemplary of the complexities of current and future multimodal problems, and one or more multimodal tasks whose performance can be objectively measured. Participants in the Challenge will evaluate their methods against the challenge data in order to identify areas of strengths and weakness. * User case challenge: This challenge will provide an interactive problem/system (e.g. dialog-based) and the associated resources, which can allow people to participate through the integration of specific modules or alternative full systems. Proposers should also establish systematic evaluation procedures. * Concept challenge. This challenge proposes new ideas (e.g. involving new sensors) that, while not fully tested now, could lead to breakthroughs if our community decided to tackle them together or individually. Prospective organizers should submit a proposal (five pages max) containing the following information: * Title * Abstract appropriate for possible Web promotion of the Challenge * Detailed description of the challenge and its relevance to multimodal interaction. * Plan for soliciting participation * Proposed schedule for releasing datasets and receiving submissions. * Short bio of the organizers * Funding source (if any) that supports or could support the challenge organization. * Preference (if any) for special session or workshop format. Proposals will be evaluated based on originality, ambition, feasibility, and implementation plan. The ICMI organizers offer support with basic logistics and with the identification of additional funding sources (e.g. for awards). Proposals should be emailed to the ICMI 2012 Challenge Co-Chairs. Prospective organizers are also encouraged to contact them in case of questions. More information is available on the ICMI website: http://www.acm.org/icmi/2012/. Important dates: We will evaluate proposals on a rolling basis. Proposals can be submitted as soon as possible, no later than December 22nd, 2011. Notifications will be sent on January 10th, 2012. ICMI 2012 Conference: October 22nd-26th, 2012. ICMI 2012 Multimodal Grand Challenge Chairs: * Daniel Gatica-Perez (Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland): gatica@idiap.ch * Stephanie Tellex (MIT, USA): stefie10@csail.mit.edu ======================================================================= ICMI 2012: CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS ======================================================================= The ICMI 2012 Organizing Committee invites submissions of proposals for Special Sessions at the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, to be held in Santa Monica, California (USA), October 22nd-26th, 2012. Special sessions should cover interdisciplinary topics and/or important new emerging areas of interest related to the main conference topics. Each special session proposal should contain the following information: * Title of the proposed Session * Names/affiliation of organizers (including brief bio and contact information) * An introduction (maximum 1 page) stating the importance of the topic and the objectives of the proposed Session * Tentative/confirmed list of papers (up to 4); the organizers can present an introduction to the topic of the special session but should not submit other research work to the special session. Proposals should clearly describe the topic and explain why the topic cannot be covered appropriately in regular sessions. Papers for approved Special Sessions should follow the long paper format (8 pages) and should be submitted following the same schedule/procedure as for regular papers, and will undergo the same reviewing process by anonymous and independent reviewers as regular papers. Proposals will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee based on the relevance/significance of the topic and potential interest to the conference attendees. Important Dates: Prospective organizers are invited to submit a proposal to the program chairs before March 7th, 2012. * Justine Cassell (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) justine@cs.cmu.edu * Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, Netherlands) A.Nijholt@ewi.utwente.nl Notification of acceptance of proposals is scheduled for March 14th, 2012. ====================================================================== ICMI 2012: CALL FOR WORKSHOPS ====================================================================== ICMI 2012 will host workshops in emerging areas of multimodal interaction and multimedia processing. The ICMI 2012 workshop program aims to provide researchers with a more informal and discussion oriented forum to discuss emerging topics in multimodal interaction or old ones from a new angle. We are eliciting workshop proposals that break away from traditional conference-style presentation formats. Workshops will be held on Monday October 22nd, 2012 and Friday October 26th, 2012, the days before and after the main conference. Workshop organizers may express preferences, but the workshop chairs will decide on the final schedule. Workshops that run for anywhere between half a day and a full day are possible. Accepted workshops will be given an ISBN number for inclusion of the proceedings in ACM Digital Library. The page limits for accepted regular workshop papers are 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. The conference organizer will take care of facilities, coffee breaks, and registration for all workshops. To enable this, breaks must be coordinated across workshops. Workshop proposals for ICMI 2011 should include: * The title, goals of the workshop * The specific topics that will be addressed by the workshop * The relevance and significance of this workshop to the main conference * The history of the workshop if it is not the first occurrence * The estimated paper submission volume and paper acceptance rate * Full day or half day workshop program * If there is a journal special issue arrangement for the published workshop papers * A draft workshop call for papers with: The names, affiliations, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the workshop organizers, who should be experts in the related topics and preferably from multiple institutions * The paper selection process * A list of potential program committee members and their affiliations Organizers are encouraged to recruit good quality invited speakers. The workshop proposal should comply with SIGX Co-Located Workshops: http://www.acm.org/sigs/volunteer_resources/conference_manual/co-located_workshops Workshop proposals should not exceed 5 pages. Evaluation criteria for workshop proposals will include the quality and level of details of the proposal, the theme of the workshop, its relevance to the main conference, and the overall balance of the conference workshop program. Important dates: Workshop proposal submission deadline: March 1st, 2012 Notification to workshop organizers: April 2nd, 2012 Workshop organizers publish call before: April 14th, 2012 Workshop papers due: ~June 4th, 2012 Workshop camera-ready paper due: Sept 20th, 2012 ICMI Workshops: Oct 22nd, Oct 26th, 2012 The organizers of accepted workshops are required to announce the workshop and call for papers, solicit submissions, conduct the reviewing process, and decide upon the final workshop program. Please send ICMI workshop proposals and questions to: ICMI 2012 Workshop Chairs: * Rainer Stiefelhagen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany): rainer.stiefelhagen@kit.edu * Toyoaki Nishida (Kyoto University, Japan): nishida@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp ========================================================================= ICMI 2012: CALL FOR DEMONSTRATIONS AND EXHIBITS ========================================================================= The ICMI 2012 Demonstrations & Exhibits session is intended to provide a forum to showcase innovative implementations, systems and technologies demonstrating new ideas about interactive multimodal interfaces. They can also serve to introduce commercial products not published in previous scientific publications. Demonstrations & Exhibits should be short, so that they can be presented several times. We particularly encourage demonstration of interactive systems and multimodal recognizers and sensors. The main difference between demonstrations and exhibit is that demonstrations include a 2 page paper which will be included in ICMI proceedings. We encourage both the submission of early research prototypes and interesting mature systems. Proposals may be of two types: * Demonstrations: Demo proposals can be submitted at any time until June 22, 2012. A 1-2 page short description of the demonstration is required, which must be submitted electronically. Demo description(s) must be in PDF format, according to ACM publication format. Demo proposals should include a description with photographs and/or screen captures of the demonstration and, if possible, the URL of a site where a live version or video of the proposed demo is available. Please note that the accepted descriptions will be included in ICMI proceedings. * Exhibits: Exhibits proposals can be submitted at any time until September 26, 2012, and does not require a paper submission. Hence, exhibits won't have a paper published in the ICMI 2012 proceedings. To submit an exhibit proposal, please fill out the form available on ICMI 2012 website. There will be a Best Demonstration & Exhibit Award for the best contribution (where the contribution is the demonstration/exhibit itself, and not its description on paper). Important Dates: Submission of demo proposal: June 22nd, 2012 Demo notification of acceptance: July 27th, 2012 Camera-ready copy due: August 20th, 2012 Submission of exhibit proposal: September 26th, 2012 Exhibit notification of acceptance: October 10th, 2012 ICMI Conference: October 22nd-26th, 2012 Please send any questions regarding demonstration and exhibits to: ICMI 2012 Demonstration and Exhibit Chairs: * Wolfgang Minker (Ulm University, Germany): wolfgang.minker@uni-ulm.de * Ramón López-Cózar Delgado (University of Granada, Spain): rlopezc@ugr.es ====================================================================== ICMI 2012: ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ====================================================================== General Chairs: Louis-Philippe Morency (University of Southern California, USA) Dan Bohus (Microsoft Research, USA) Hamid Aghajan (Stanford University, USA) Program Chairs: Justine Cassell (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, Netherlands) Workshop Chairs: Rainer Stiefelhagen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) Toyoaki Nishida (Kyoto University, Japan) Demo Chairs: Wolfgang Minker (Ulm University, Germany) Ramón López-Cózar Delgado (University of Granada, Spain) Publication Chairs: Ginevra Castellano (University of Birmingham, UK) Kenji Mase (Nagoya University, Japan) Doctoral Spotlight Chairs: Carlos Busso (University of Texas at Dallas, USA) Bilge Mutlu (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) Multimodal Grand Challenge Chairs: Daniel Gatica-Perez (IDIAP, Switzerland) Stefanie Tellex (MIT, USA) Publicity Chairs: Kazuhiro Otsuka (NTT, Japan) Michael Johnston (AT&T Research, USA) Sponsorship Chairs: Nicu Sebe (University of Trento, Italy) Patrick Ehlen (AT&T Labs, USA) Local Organization Chair and Treasure: Alesia Egan (University of Southern California, USA) Web Chair: Chih-Wei Chen (Stanford University, USA) We are looking forward to welcoming you in Santa Monica in October 2011! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.acm.org/icmi/2012