York University-MITACS Vision Science Summer School The Centre for Vision Research (CVR) at York University offers a one-week, all-expenses-paid undergraduate summer school on vision science. This year's program will be held June 3-8, 2012. The program includes talks by CVR faculty members on current research topics in vision science, as well as hands-on projects in CVR laboratories. The curriculum reflects the wide range of research areas at CVR, which includes basic research on vision in humans and animals, covering both neuroscience and behaviour, as well as applied topics such as computer vision, virtual reality, visual perception in low-gravity environments, and vision in clinical populations. For an idea of the topics to be covered, see last year's schedule at www.yorku.ca/cvrss/schedule2011.pdf. The program will accept 24 undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in scientific research. It is intended mainly for students who are planning to apply to graduate school in the fall of 2012 for admission in 2013, and who are interested in investigating vision science as a possible area of research. Both Canadian and international students are encouraged to apply. The program provides on-campus accommodations, breakfast and lunch each day, a closing banquet, and reimbursement for transportation costs. Application instructions are available on the summer school website, www.yorku.ca/cvrss. The application deadline is February 1, 2012, and applicants will be notified of decisions by March 1, 2012. For further information, see the summer school website, www.yorku.ca/cvrss, or write to Dr. Joseph DeSouza (desouza@yorku.ca). This program is funded by York University and MITACS. Poster available at www.yorku.ca/cvrss/poster2012.pdf.