ChaLearn Multi-modal Gesture Recognition Challenge

UPDATES: KAGGLE READY TO SUBMIT YOUR ENTRIES FOR THE GESTURE RECOGNITION CHALLENGE!! =============== Call For Participation: ChaLearn Multi-modal Gesture Recognition Challenge held in conjunction with the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI2013), 9-13th December 2013, Sydney, Australia. ChaLearn organizes in 2013 a challenge and workshop on multi-modal gesture recognition from audio and RGB-D multi-modal video data. We have already released the training data at: The challenge features a quantitative evaluation of automatic gesture recognition from a multi-modal dataset recorded with Kinect (providing RGB images of face and body, depth images of face and body, skeleton information, joint orientation and audio sources), including around 14,000 Italian gestures from several users. The emphasis of this edition of the competition will be on multi-modal automatic learning of a vocabulary of 20 types of Italian anthropological/cultural gestures performed by different users while explaining a history, wi user independent continuous gesture recognition combined with audio information. Top ranked participants will be awarded and invited to follow the workshop submission guide for inclusion of a description of their system at the ICMI proceedings. Additionally, live demos/systems of applications based on multi-modal gesture recognition techniques are invited to be presented during the workshop as well. Also, demos using data from different modalities and different kind of devices are welcome. The deadline of a two-page summary of the live demo proposal is July 15, 2013. The demos will be evaluated in terms of multi-modality, technical quality, and applicability. The authors of the top-ranked and best demos will be invited to submit a extended paper in a special issue on gesture recognition at a high-impact factor journal. =============== Important Dates for the Quantitative Participation =============== Release of Validation Data: &nbs 013 Release of Test Data: August 1, 2013 End of competition: August 15, 2013 Release of top ranked results: Sept. 1, 2013 Workshop paper submission: Sept. 15, 2013 =============== Important Dates for the Qualitative Participation =============== Deadline of a two-page summary of the live demo proposal: July 15, 2013: Acceptance notification of demos for qualitative competition: July 25, 2013 Submission of additional and supplementary information Round 1 evaluation of demos (just for feedback, final evaluation is performed at the first day of the workshop): August 15, 2013 =============== Important Dates for workshop paper submission =============== Workshop paper submission deadline (top 3 ranked quantitative and qualitative participants will be invited to submit their contribution as a paper submission to the 2013 Notification of workshop paper acceptance: September 30, 2013 Camera ready of workshop papers: October 7, 2013 Organized by Chalearn, University of Berkley, University of Barcelona, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and Computer Vision Center Subscribe to to get further announcements. For more details p /o:p>