S+SSPR 2014: requesting expressions of interest to organise The joint workshop S+SSPR (Statistical+Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition Workshop) is jointly organised by IAPR TC1 and TC2. SSPR has been the main venue for work in structural and syntactic pattern recognition since the early 1980's, and merged with the statistical pattern recognition workshop in 1998. The joint workshop is traditionally held in the week preceding ICPR at a location that is convenient for easy transportation between the two meetings. To give some examples, the locations for the recent meetings have been 2012 ICPR Tskuba City - S+SSPR Hiroshima - 300km 2010 ICPR Istanbul - S+SSPR Izmir (Cesme) -200km 2008 ICPR Tampa - S+SSPR Orlando (UCF) 100 km 2006 ICPR Hong-Kong - S+SSPR Hong-Kong (Clearwater Bay) -10km 2004 ICPR Cambridge - S+SSPR Lisbon 1000km 2002 ICPR Quebec City -S+SSPR Windsor, Ontario 750km 2000 ICPR Barcelona - S+SSPR Alicante - 200km 1998 ICPR Brisbane - S+SSPR Sydney (Bondi Beach) -1000km 1996 ICPR Vienna - SSPR Leipsig -300km 1994 ICPR Jerusalem - SSPR Haifa -200km ICPR 2014 is in Stockholm (24-28 August), and so S+SSPR would normally be expected to take place 20-22 August 2014. A natural location would therefore be either elsewhere in Sweden or Scandinavia, one of Baltic countries or northern Europe. At this stage the chairs of TC1 (Terry Windeatt- email T.Windeatt a surrey.ac.uk) and TC2 (Edwin Hancock - email erh a cs.york.ac.uk), would like to hear expressions of interest to hold S+SSPR 2014. At this stage this only needs to be a rough outline giving the proposed location and the names of the potential organisers. Traditionally, the chairs of TC1+TC2 are programme co-chairs for the two strands of the meeting (statistical and structural/syntactic). The organisers need to provide a general chair together with a statistical strand co-chair and a structural/syntactic strand co-chair. The local organisers are expected to work closely with the two TC chairs in planning and running the joint workshop. A full bid will be required later with details of the venue, estimated costings and the PC structure. If there are multiple bids, these will be put to an open vote at S+SSPR 2012 in Japan. Please send your expressions of interest to (t.windeatt@surrey.ac.uk and erh@cs.york.ac.uk) by 15 June 2012.