Call for Papers

The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
                              ICASSP 2017
             March 5-9, 2017 | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

                            Call for Papers

As music and rhythm are the heartbeats of life, signal and information processing is the heartbeat of technology development for our daily life. Having both of them capture the hearts and souls of all the attendees is the goal of the 42th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017) which will be held in Hilton Conference Centre, at the Jazz music capital (New Orleans, USA) on March 5-9, 2017. ICASSP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications. The conference provides, both for researchers and developers, an engaging forum to exchange ideas and proposed new developments in this field. The theme of the ICASSP 2017 is “The Internet of Signals” which is the real technology and world behind the Internet of Things. The conference will feature world-class International speakers, tutorials, exhibits, lectures and poster sessions from around the world. Topics include but are not limited to:

Audio and acoustic signal processing
Sensor array & multichannel signal processing
Bio-imaging and biomedical signal processing
Signal processing education
Design & implementation of signal processing systems
Signal processing for communication & networking
Image, video & multidimensional signal processing
Signal processing theory & methods
Industry technology tracks
Signal processing for Big Data
Information forensics and security
The Internet of Things & RFID
Machine learning for signal processing
Speech processing
Multimedia signal processing
Spoken language processing
Remote Sensing and signal processing
Signal Processing for Brain Machine Interface
Signal Processing for Smart Systems
Signal Processing for Cyber Security
Computational Imaging

Submission of Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers, with up
to four pages for technical content including figures and possible
references, and with one additional optional 5th page containing only
references. A selection of best papers will be made by the ICASSP 2017
committee upon recommendations from Technical Committees.

Will be held on March 5, 2017. Brief proposals should be submitted by
September 15th, 2016. Proposal for tutorials must include a title, an
outline of the tutorial and its motivation, a two-page CV of the
presenter(s), and a short description of the material to be covered.

M.Sc./Ph.D. Forum
The forum will provide an opportunity for M.Sc./Ph.D. students in the
fields of electronics, circuits, and embedded systems to present their
thesis/dissertation research (completed in the last year), including
work in progress within the topics of interest for ICASSP 2017.  To
encourage interaction among the M.Sc./Ph.D. students and researchers
from academia, industry, and government, the forum will be organized
as a poster session. A two-page paper on the thesis work will appear
in the conference proceedings.

Signal Processing Letters
Authors of IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) papers will be given
the opportunity to present their work at ICASSP 2017, subject to space
availability and approval by the ICASSP Technical Program Chairs. SPL
papers published between January 1st, 2016 and December 31st, 2016 are
eligible for presentation at ICASSP 2017. Because they are already
peer-reviewed and published, SPL papers presented at ICASSP 2017 will
neither be reviewed nor included in the ICASSP proceedings. Requests
for presentation of SPL papers should be made through the ICASSP 2017
website on or before November 21st, 2016. Approved requests for
presentation must have one author/presenter register for the

ICASSP 2017 offers a perfect stage to showcase innovative ideas in all
technical areas of interest at ICASSP. All demo sessions will be
highly interactive and visible. Please refer to the ICASSP 2017
website for additional information regarding demo submission.

Important Deadlines
* Tutorial proposals:  September 15th, 2016
* Notification of tutorial acceptance:  October 15th, 2016
* M.Sc./Ph.D. paper is due: October 15, 2016
* Demo proposals due: October 15, 2016
* Submission of regular papers:  September 12, 2016
* Registration for Signal Processing Letters papers:  November 21, 2016
* Notification of acceptance of M.Sc./Ph.D. papers: November 30, 2016
* Notification of acceptance of demos: November 30, 2016
* Notification of paper acceptance:  December 12, 2016
* Author registration:  January 9, 2017