11th Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing Call for Papers


11th Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
Hyderabad, India 18-22 December, 2018

The 11th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image
Processing (ICVGIP) will be held in Hyderabad, India in December
2018. We invite high-quality original and unpublished papers in the
broad areas of computer vision, graphics, and image processing
including, but not limited to:
** Segmentation and Grouping 
** Computational Imaging 
** Texture, Shape and Color 
** Sensors and Modeling 
** Restoration, Super Resolution 
** Vision-based Graphics 
** Motion and Video Analysis 
** Image and Video Matting 
** Tracking and Surveillance 
** Rendering Techniques 
** Compressive Sensing 
** Modeling and Animation 
** Multi-view Reconstruction 
** Scientific Visualization 
** Shape-from-X 
** Real-time Graphics 
** Physics based Vision 
** Human-Computer Interfaces 
** Representation Learning 
** Virtual/Augmented Reality 
** Tensor Methods 
** Performance Evaluation 
** Image and Video Retrieval 
** Biometrics 
** Object and Scene Recognition 
** Medical Image Analysis 
** Statistical Methods, Learning 
** Document Image Analysis 
** Optimization Methods 
** Remote Sensing 
** Big Data, Large-scale Methods 
** Digital Heritage Applications 
** Deep Learning 
** Vision for X 

All submissions will be handled electronically via the conference’s
CMT submission portal and the review process will be double blind. In
addition to technical papers, the conference will also include focused
workshops and tutorials. Please see the conference website for
submission details: https://cvit.iiit.ac.in/icvgip18.


** Abstract Submission: July 25th, 2018 
** Paper Submission: Aug 1st, 2018 
** Final Decision: Oct 15th 
** Conference: 18-22 Dec, 2018 

General Chairs 
** Larry Davis, Univ. of Maryland 
** C.V. Jawahar, IIIT Hyderabad 

Program Chairs 
** Vineeth Balasubramanian , IIT Hyderabad 
** Amit Roy-Chowdhury, Univ. of California, Riverside 
** Guido Gerig, New York Univ. 
** Anoop M. Namboodiri, IIIT Hyderabad 

** Queries on submission: icvgip18.pc@gmail.com 
** General Queries: icvgip18@gmail.com