Understanding Social Behavior in Dyadic and Small Group Interactions Challenge Call for Papers

 We cordially invite you to participate in our ICCV'2021
 Understanding Social Behavior in Dyadic and Small Group Interactions
 Challenge - http://chalearnlap.cvc.uab.es/challenge/45/description/

Description: to advance and motivate the research on visual human
behavior analysis in dyadic and small group interactions, this
challenge will use a large scale, multimodal, and multiview (UDIVA)
dataset recently collected by our group, which provides many related
challenges. It will address two different problems, divided in two
competition tracks:

    Automatic self-reported personality recognition of single
    individuals (i.e., a target person) during a dyadic interaction,
    from two individual views.

    Behavior forecasting: the focus of this track will be to estimate
    future (up to N frames) 2D facial landmarks, hand, and upper body
    pose of a target individual in a dyadic interaction.

In both tasks, multiview and multimodal information (audio-visual,
transcriptions, context and medatada) are expected to be exploited to
solve the problem.

Important Dates:

    Dataset access request period open: 18th May, 2021

    Start of the Challenge (development phase): June 1st, 2021

    Start of test phase: September 1st, 2021

    End of the Challenge: September 17th, 2021

    Release of final results: September 30th, 2021

Top winning solutions will be invited to give a talk to present their
work at the associated ICCV 2021 ChaLearn workshop
(http://chalearnlap.cvc.uab.es/workshop/44/description/). In addition
to this, challenge participants, as well as the research community in
the field and from related disciplines (e.g. affective computing,
social signal processing and human-computer interaction), are invited
to submit a paper to be published in Proceedings of Machine Learning
Research (PMLR). In line with these, we accept papers addressing the
issues related to, but not limited to, these topics:

    Challenge related papers, describing their methods and results;

    Detection, understanding, modeling and synthesis of individual and
    interpersonal social signals and dynamics;

    Verbal/nonverbal communication analysis in dyadic and small groups;

    Contextual analysis in dyadic and small groups;

    Datasets, annotation protocols, and bias discovering/mitigation in dyadic and small groups;

    Interpretability/explainability in dyadic and small groups;

Important Dates:

    Paper submission deadline (PMLR): October 31st, 2021

    Author notification: November 30th, 2021

    Camera-ready: December 20th, 2021


Sergio Escalera*, Computer Vision Center (CVC) and University of
Barcelona, Spain 

Cristina Palmero*, Computer Vision Center (CVC) and University of
Barcelona, Spain 

Wei-Wei Tu, 4Paradigm Inc., China

Albert Clapés, Computer Vision Center (CVC), Spain

Julio C. S. Jacques Junior, Computer Vision Center (CVC/UAB), Spain

Sponsors: This event is sponsored by ChaLearn, 4Paradigm Inc., and
Facebook Reality Labs. University of Barcelona, Computer Vision Center
at Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Human Pose Recovery and
Behavior Analysis (HuPBA) group, are the co-sponsors of the Challenge.

Prizes: Top winning solutions will be invited to give a talk to
present their work at the associated ICCV 2021 ChaLearn workshop, will
receive a winning certificate and will have free ICCV
registration. Our sponsors are also offering the following prizes:

    Track 1: Top-1 solution: 1000$ / Top-2 solution: 500$ / Top-3 solution: 300$

    Track 2: Top-1 solution: 1000$ / Top-2 solution: 500$ / Top-3 solution: 300$

Honorable mention: based on the significance of the result in a
particular trait/s (track 1) or body part (track 2) and the level of
novelty/originality of the solution, in addition to top-3 solutions,
we may announce additional honorable mentions, which will also receive
a winning certificate and a free ICCV registration.