ICPR Free Attendance Pass

Dear Researcher,
ICPR2020 has registered a huge success of submissions and is going to
be one of the greatest events of our community. The final program will
present 1407 high quality papers that were selected by the Program
Committee.  The ICPR2020 General Chairs want to encourage the
participation of young PHD students and researchers to this great
event. To this end we have decided to open 50 free-attendance-pass for
young researchers plus 50 free-attendance-pass reserved to young
female researchers. We please you to forward this message to your
young collaborators.

Interested people should email the following application form to the
following email address: paolo.mazzanti@unifi.it accompanied by their
CV and a support letter by their Advisor. The selection will be made
on a first-come first-served basis.

Our best regards
The ICPR2020 General Chairs


I my self name surname
presently PHD student / researcher at institution name and address am interested to apply for free-attendance-pass / female free-attendance-pass (select one) to ICPR2020 on-line. Here enclosed please find my CV and the letter of support by my Advisor Prof. name of the Advisor.

Faithfully yours
Name and signature of the applicant

Contact address of the applicant email address
Contact address of the Advisor email address