Interactive Video Retrieval for Beginners (IVR4B) Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Interactive Video Retrieval for Beginners (IVR4B)

Special Session at CBMI 2023
20-22 September 2023
Orleans, France

Despite the advances in automated content description using deep
learning, and the emergence of joint image-text embedding models, many
video retrieval tasks still require a human user in the loop. This is
in particular the case when the information need is fuzzy, or when the
underlying dataset is homogeneous, i.e. contains data from one domain,
differing in small details and with little or no editorial
structure. Interactive video retrieval (IVR) systems address these
challenges. In order to assess their performance, multimedia retrieval
benchmarks such as Video Browser Showdown (VBS) or Lifelog Search
Challenge (LSC) have been established. These benchmarks provide
large-scale datasets as well as task settings and evaluation
protocols, allowing to measure progress in research on IVR
systems. However, in order to achieve the best possible performance of
the participating systems, they are usually operated by members of the
development team. This setting does not allow to properly measure
usability aspects of the system, which are important in order to
deploy them successfully in a target application context, where they
need to be operated by domain experts rather than video retrieval

This special session thus aims at providing better insights into how
such systems are usable by users with solid IT background, but not
familiar with the details behind the system. The special session thus
calls for papers describing IVR systems, addressing topics such as

- search functionalities supporting non-expert users
- browsing and navigation capabilities
- approaches to result visualisation
- usability aspects of the system

The contributions to this session are short papers (4 pages +
references), describing the participating IVR system. In contrast to
papers such as submitted to VBS or LSC, these papers should focus on
how the system supports users that are not retrieval experts, and the
search and browsing features expected to be of particular interest to
these users.

The review process is single-blind. A link to a three-minute video
showcasing the usage of the system on the VBS collection must be
included with the submission. Prior participation on VBS is not a
prerequisite for submission.

The IVR systems will be presented in the demo session, followed by an
interactive competition session, in which the systems are used by
novice users to solve video retrieval tasks.

Important dates

Paper submission: April 12, 2023 
Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2023 
Camera ready paper: June 15, 2023
Conference dates: September 20-22, 2023


Werner Bailer, JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Graz, Austria (
Cathal Gurrin, DCU, Ireland (
Björn Þór Jónsson, Reykjavi´k University, Iceland (
Klaus Schöffmann, Klagenfurt University, Austria (