Second Workshop & Challenge on Event Detection for Situation Awareness in Autonomous Driving Call for Papers

We are excited to announce 
ROAD++: The Second Workshop & Challenge on Event Detection for Situation Awareness in Autonomous Driving, 
in conjunction with the upcoming 
International Conference on Computer Vision (#ICCV2023).

The #workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in
the field of #autonomousdriving to present and discuss recent advances
in event detection for #situationalawareness.
The focus of the event is a ground-breaking competition centered on
the detection of road events (triplets formed by #agent, action and
location) in a challenging domain adaptation environment.  The
challenge will leverage our new ROAD++ benchmark which scales up the
road event annotation originally developed for the ROAD #dataset
( to the Waymo dataset
(, with prizes for the top three entries.

For the paper track we welcome papers reporting original research,
case studies, or work-in-progress papers related to the theme of the

We will award a best paper and a best student paper prize, host
spotlight presentations and hold poster sessions for all accepted
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Detection and modelling of 'atomic' road events. 
- Detection and modelling of complex road activities, 
      involving several agents over an extended period of time. 
- Agent intention #prediction . 
- Prediction of the trajectory of pedestrians and vehicles. 
- Forecast of future road events. 
- Multi-agent modelling of road scenes. 
- Realistic simulation for training of perceptual models. 
- Generative #AI for situation awareness.
- Fusion of multi-sensor data for situation awareness.
- Machine theory of mind.
- Continual learning from video streams.
- Domain adaptation.
- Datasets and evaluation metrics and datasets for situation awareness in #autonomousvehicles.
Papers are to be submitted using the ICCV template via CMT. The
Workshop will allow for the submission of papers concurrently
submitted elsewhere, with the aim of aggregating all relevant efforts
in this area.

The workshop will host invited speakers of the calibre of Marco Pavone
(Stanford), Holger Caesar (TU Delft), Bernard Ghanem (KAUST), Xinshuo
Weng (NVIDIA), Raim Al-Rfou and Yin Zhou (Waymo).
Workshop timeframe:
* Submission site open: May 2
* Paper Submission: July 2
* Acceptance: Aug 7
* Camera-ready: Aug 17
Challenge timeframe:
*       Registration open: April 24
*       Training and validation data: May 2
*       Test data: July 15
*       Submission deadline: Aug 5
*       Results: Aug 10

Fabio Cuzzolin, Andrew Bradley, Salman Khan, Izzeddin Teeti 
           (Oxford Brookes University)
Gurkirt singh (ETH Zurich)
Eleonora Giunchiglia (TU Wien)
Mihaela Catalina Stoian (University of Oxford)
Reza Javanmard Alitappeh (Mazandaran University)