Computer Vision For Metaverse (CV4Metaverse) Call for Papers

Call for Papers

3rd edition of Computer Vision For Metaverse (CV4Metaverse)
held at ECCV 2024 (29 September 2024, Milan, Italy)

In the growing fields of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR),
and the Metaverse, Computer Vision (CV) becomes a fundamental tool to
support applications and better understand people, objects, and the
world, seamlessly merging digital and physical worlds. Meanwhile,
Natural Language Processing is crucial for understanding human
language. Nowadays, Large Language Models (LLMs) enable human-like
conversations, enhancing human-machine interactions, and Large
Language-Vision Models (LLVMs) improve visual data comprehension. CV,
in conjunction with LLMs and LLVMs, can significantly boost the
development of AR, VR, and Metaverse applications, enabling hands-free
navigation, voice commands, and immersive avatar communication.

Therefore, the third edition of the CV4Metaverse workshop aims at
integrating both pure computer vision and language-based techniques to
contribute to the advancement of the field. The areas of interest
touch upon, but are not confined to, the following subjects:

    Scene Understanding:

        Methods, algorithms, and systems for scene understanding to
        enable environmental interaction use cases in 3D scenes.

        Modeling the virtual/augmented environment (depth estimation,
        3D reconstruction, object detection and tracking, multimedia
        understanding, etc).

    Metaverse Applications:

        Different kinds of applications using Machine Learning
        techniques to help the Metaverse users.

        New datasets in the metaverse area, which can foster the
        research areas related to it.

    Cross-Modal Applications:

        Using other types of data like textual data in facilitating or
        creating new applications in 3D scenes or metaverse areas.

Important dates:
Workshop paper submission deadline
July 19, 2024
Extended abstract submission deadline
July 19, 2024
Technical reports submission deadline
July 30, 2024
Notification to authors
August 16, 2024
Camera ready deadline
August 23, 2024
Workshop date
September 29, 2024

Submission Guidelines
As the type of submission, we accept research papers (up to 14 pages,
excluded references), extended abstract (up to 4 pages), and technical
reports for the Metaverse Apartment Retrieval Challenge. More details
can be found on the full Call for Papers on the official website.

All submissions will be handled electronically via CMT at The format for
paper submission is the same as the ECCV 2024 main conference. For
details, please refer to the ECCV 2024 Submission Policies.


    Giuseppe Serra - University of Udine, Italy
    Ali Abdari - University of Naples Federico II, University of Udine, Italy
    Alex Falcon - University of Udine, Italy
    Beatrice Portelli - University of Naples Federico II, University of Udine, Italy
    Maria Pegia - Reykjavik University, Iceland
    Barbara Rössle - Technical University of Munich, Germany
    Bichen Wu - Meta
    Peter Vajda - Meta
    Richard Zhang - Amazon and Simon Fraser University, Canada

For any question, please contact Ali Abdari (
or Alex Falcon (