Call for Papers

CfP: 9th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition
and Artificial Intelligence (iWOAR 2024)
26-27 Sept. 2023, Potsdam/Berlin, Germany

iWOAR is an international workshop with conference character, which is
typically organised in-cooperation with ACM. This year's workshop will
be held in Potsdam/Berlin (Germany) at the Hasso Plattner Institute
(HPI) during September 26-27, 2024. The workshop focuses on Human
Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence with wearable sensors
and related technologies. This year’s symposium will feature as
keynote speaker the presence of Prof. Dr.  Thomas Plötz from
Georgia Institute of Technology. As a leading expert, his research and
innovative approaches have significantly advanced the field of
computational behavior analysis and activity recognition.

Paper submission deadline: June 15, 2024
Poster submission deadline: August 1, 2024
Paper submission link:

All scientific submissions undergo a peer review process to ensure that high quality content is being presented. We invite submissions which target (but are not limited to) the following topics and applications:

 Human Activity Recognition
 Affective Computing
 Artificial intelligence for wearables
 Real-time Activity Recognition
 Synthetic Data Generation
 Assistive Technologies
 Privacy and Ethical Considerations in Activity Recognition
 Pervasive & Wearable Computing
 Personalized Diagnostics and Therapy
 Quantified Self / Biofeedback
 Applications for (Mental) Health, Therapy and Rehabilitation
 Design and Conceptual Innovations in Sensor Networks

We invite for academic research papers and for best-practice
industrial research approaches. iWOAR 2024 will feature both a paper
track and a poster track, with all submissions being handled via
EasyChair (submission link:

    Paper track: submissions must follow the ACM SIGCHI Paper
    Format. The submission deadline is set to June 15, 2024.

    Poster track: submissions must follow the ACM SIGCHI Extended
    Abstract Format. The submission deadline is set to August 1, 2024.

Accepted submissions to the paper track are scheduled to be published
in the iWOAR 2024 Proceedings online in the ACM Digital Library