Video Surveillance Systems in Smart Cities: Integrating Traditional Cameras with High-Altitude and Advanced Monitoring Technologies Call for Papers

Meeting date: February 28 2025

Name and Link: V3SC 2025

Due Date: November 22, 2025

Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA

Full Conference Name: 1st International Workshop on Video Surveillance
Systems in Smart Cities: Integrating Traditional Cameras with
High-Altitude and Advanced Monitoring Technologies

1st International Workshop on Video Surveillance Systems in Smart Cities:
Integrating Traditional Cameras with High-Altitude 
and Advanced Monitoring Technologies
Tucson, Arizona, USA, February, 2025


As urban areas grow and evolve into smart cities, the need for
advanced, integrated surveillance systems becomes critical for
ensuring public safety and efficient city management. This workshop
aims to explore the latest technologies and methodologies for creating
a cohesive surveillance ecosystem that leverages multiple data sources
that can have a powerful impact on different applications, such as
monitoring the crowd flow, monitoring traffic, real-time anomaly
detection, behavioural analysis, fire detection and others utilising
both high-altitude (from drones and satellites) and ground-level
images and videos.  A further aim of this workshop is to promote the
study and development of this field to identify limitations, open
issues and further research directions.

The workshop will focus on the integration and deployment of various
surveillance technologies in smart cities. This includes traditional
CCTV cameras, high-altitude systems such as drones and satellites, and
advanced monitoring systems incorporating IoT sensors and AI

The authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a Special Issue (Journal TBD).


The workshop calls for submissions addressing, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Integration of traditional CCTV systems with high-altitude surveillance technologies
- Innovations in drone and satellite-based monitoring for urban environments
- AI and machine learning applications in smart city surveillance
- Data fusion and analytics for enhanced urban security	
- Privacy and ethical implications of widespread surveillance
- Case studies of smart city surveillance implementations
- Real-time monitoring: applications in traffic management and anomaly (e.g., fire) detection
- Future trends and challenges in urban surveillance


When preparing your contribution, please follow the guidelines
provided on the WACV main conference website. The maximum number of
pages is 8 + references. Each contribution will be reviewed based on
originality, significance, clarity, soundness, relevance and technical
content. The submission will be handled electronically via the
Conference's CMT Website:

Once accepted, the presence of at least one author at the event and
the oral presentation of the paper are expected. For more details
about the registration see the WACV main conference details.


Paper Submission :  22 November 2024
Notifications to Authors : 22 December 2024
Camera Ready Papers Due : 10 January 2024


Rita Delussu, University of Cagliari
Naser Damer, Fraunhofer IGD
Giorgio Fumera, University of Cagliari
Lorenzo Putzu, University of Cagliari
Fabio Roli, University of Genova