Computer Image Analysis, Computer Vision Conferences, Deadlines

A note on Conference Deadlines: The date is given, but the time zone may matter. Often the date is based on the time zone of the organizers. Don't wait until the last hour for your submission.

Welcome to the Computer Vision Conferences and Special Issues deadlines summary page. Events are listed in order of submission deadline, starting a few days before the last update going to about 3 months into the future. You can also sort by the name, or reverse the sorting, but the list is short enough to quickly search. If it is too late or too early, the deadline is not listed. Extensions are reflected in this list only if they are provided by the organizers so you may want to double check those with recent deadlines. See the full Computer Vision Conference Calendar for these conferences and their web sites (which are the best authority for immdiate information on a conference). See also the one year summary of conferences.

Last Database Update: Friday, January 10, 2025, 12:49 am.
Click on the Header item to sort by that indicator (or to reverse the sort)
Due Date Go to Information Full Name
  February 7, 2025     Special Issue    IVC: Advancing Transparency and Privacy: Explainable AI and Synthetic Data in Biometrics and Computer Vision
  January 31, 2025     Special Issue    PAA: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Person Re-Identification
  March 31, 2025     Special Issue    PR: From bench to the wild: Recent Advances in Computer Vision methods (WILD-VISION)
  February 9, 2025     INVICTA 2025    INvicta school of VIsion, Computational intelligence
  January 30, 2025     IMPROVE 2025    IMPROVE
  March 15, 2025     IEEE MIPR 2025    IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval
  January 31, 2025     ICIP 2025    Full Name
  March 7, 2025     ICCV 2025    Internationcal Conference on Computer Vision
  February 14, 2025     IbPRIA 2025    12th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
  February 7, 2025     CRV 2025    22nd Conference on Robots and Vision